Friday, June 28, 2019

The perfect life

Is... Non existent
Everyone falls short of this standard.

Some trip or hit walls,
They show cracks and scars

Others fall, picking themselves up
With some scrapes and bruises.

And those that reach rock bottom
They are broken and...

Can't be repaired.

I fact, no one can really repair themselves. As much as we'd like to think so of being capable.


There is only one Way.

And it is not found within us.

There is only one Way,

It is when we bring th broken clock to the Creator. It all makes sense now, reading that He made and formed me, not just physically.. but knew me... Mentally and emotionally...

Why did he have to make me..

So flawed.

No, He made us with the intention of being perfect in His image. All He made was good, just like Adam and Eve.

But it was free will.

Was it the devil? Was it sin?

No I was my own choice.

It was me..

I am the cause of it.


The devil just tempts.
Jesus was tempted.
The serpent just put a thought.

At the end it wasn't a mistake.
I didn't... Accidentally sin.

It was willing
It was because of my free will.

And unless I make this will a slave to Christ.

I will always sin.

I will always be prideful.

Unless I can die to myself...
No.. I'm not even capable to choosing that.
Only God can put to death me.

Only God

Only Christ.

Christ alone.

Crucified. Because of my free will.
He can nail my will and sins and shame to that cross too.

He can.

God can.

If only I choose Him.
There it goes again...

If only I... I... I .. I. i. i. i..

If only God..


Only God

God alone.

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