Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Child-like freedom

The reason why children can be so free to be themselves is because they aren't affected as much by advertising and marketing.

that special moment

whatever your doing in the moment that can be done in the future,
the things that have stolen your mind's attention.

and just be in that special moment,
that can only be experienced at that particular time.

it will pass you by,
make no regrets,
by making that choice.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Health" products

Honestly, I think these funky MLM products in elaborate sashes is just glorified starch being sold through manipulative marketing and advertising.

29 Aug 2016

woke up at 5 am this morning and drove home. wai yip gave me a call as i was about to open the door, : "bro, can fetch me to the air port ah?"

haha no one woke up to send him off. 5,30 and 6.00 makes alot of difference in the amount of the cars on the road.

in the car he asked me how i came up with the story for yesterday
"inspiration by God?" i used to day dream alot when i was a kid,
didn't have any technology or consoles to play with, so i just sat in the house...
on the stairs, in the living room or in the master bed room's parque floor.
day dreaming. now as i grow older i do it so much less... i think my creativity and imagination has taken a toll

came home close to 7. slept till 12
went over to crystal's place for lunch
then we took a ride to luyang health clinic.

took my blood results,
aww man low heamoglobin levels
took another blood test for iron deficiency or.. gaps, minor thellesimia

crystal took out the stiches from her head
she was supposed to have a letter from her previous doctor.
but didn't have any. hmm lesson learnt.

then we made our way to Likas Square to look fro uncle Caleb's friend Vivian
the owner of Olive Tree Cafe (that caters to the AMC students there).
nice lady, shared with us about Carmelian order thats found in KK. wow,
they can't go out to meet people? thats really... setting one's self apart.
devoting there whole lives to prayer and God

there was a one line that hit my mind this afternoon/
i'm trying like crazy to remember it now.
but can't... aww man life regrets.
it was really good, just that... i didn't write it down straight away when i came
and now it's left. sigh

the we went over to All Sain't cathedral for the opening ceremony of the biennial Synod.
was typing away at my phone. good thing it was silenced. Jim called and asked for what GPS softwear to use to extract data out of hand held devices.

Met Mr Wong (the landlord) over there and aunty Jenny from CTK.

drove over to Anjung Selera at Tg Lipat for dinner (around 10 ish)
the mee goreng mamak was nice. this yellow mee didn't have that much boric acid in it, or was it just that my toung's taste buds had died already

now here i am .. back home.
with a room.

i've been pouring lots of clorox into the washing machine and soaking/washing it.. in hopes to get rid of the mould build up thats been happening due to housemates leaving wet cloths inside.

sigh, all these house chores.. small things that matter.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pengembaraan Ali dan Ah Chong

today we had Senyum Sembulan again, it's an initiative to teach underprivileged children the very core basic elements of educations. as in like, fundamentals before even the elementary essentials

such as writing your own name,
or even recognizing alphabets.

today, the opportunity presented itself for me to serve.
i've always wanted to, but have been reluctant.
thankfully God has his ways.

my part was at the end of the day where a value was to be though through any means.
taking some time, sitting down in quietness,
i'm glad God still answers with inspiration and creativity.

the theme was about helping one another or sharing.

hence this was it:

TAJUK: Pengembaraan Ali dan Ah Chong
Ah Chong
Burung Merpati

Lion Mask
Burung Merpati

Scene 1
Ali seorang pengembara ke negara Neverland.
Dia telah membawa barang bersama dia yang amat berat.
Di pertengahan jalan, Ali terlalu letih lalu terlepas barangnya dan pengsan.

TIba-tiba muncul Ah Chong.
Pilihan: 1) Ah Chong menolong Ali
2) Ah Chong tidak kisah Ali
1) Ah Chong, berhenti dan memberi air kepada Ali. Lalu menghulurkan pertolongan kepada Ali untuk memikul barang beratnya.
2) Ah Chong, terus berjalan, tapi Ali sedar dan meminta tolong. Ah Chong menolongnya.

Scene 2
Mereka berdua berjalan-jalan (hands over shoulders) dan bersembang macam kawan karib yang telah kenal untuk selama-lamanya.
Tiba-tiba sesuatu mula jatuh dari langit (A4 papers with raindrops) dan menjadikan mereka basah.
Soalan 1: Apa terjadi sekarang?
Jawapan 1: Hujan
Ali teringat bahawa Ah Chong sedang memegang sesuatu yang boleh menolong mereka (Mah Jong with roof)
Soalan 2: Apakah yang boleh melindungi mereka?
Jawapan 2: Bumbung/Atap
Betul, Ah Chong membuka bumbung dan mereka berdua berteduh dibawahinya sampai hujan henti

Scene 3
Ali dan Ah Chong meneruskan perjalanan mereka.
Tiba-tiba mereka terjumpa dengan seekor haiwan (lion comes out)
Soalan 3: apakah haiwan itu?
Jawapan 3: Singa!
Singa ini hendak membaham dan mencederakan Ah Chong.
Ali teringat bahawa dia telah membawa sesuatu yang boleh menolong mereka. (bring out wall)
Soalan 4: Apakah yang dapat melindung mereka.
Jawapan 4: Dinding!
(Ali sets up wall and both of them hide behind it)
Dinding ini sangat efektif, singa yang garang ini tidak dapat menembusinya. Lalu singa itu pergi mencari mangsa lain.

Scene 4
Ali dan Ah Chong keluar daripada bersembunyi, mereka melihat bahawa tanah di sekeliling mereka sangat subur. Terdapat pokok buah (bering out durian) dan haiwan yang aman (burung merpati)
Mereka membuat keputusan untuk membina rumah bersama-sama di situ dengan bekerjasama.

and to wrap it up,
we handed out chipsmore cookies,
it started with a teacher giving one to a kid,
and that kid had to take one and give it to another kid.
in that way they all ate something that they didn't take for themselves.

it brought forward where they started to share En Alimat's cakes with the kids outside the gates.

the gift is in being an example.

a big shoutout and thanks to the team: Carmen, Angeline, Kanae, Wai Yip, Sharly and Rebecca.
and ofcause my darling Crystal whose been with me through thick and thin, it was fun to colour with crayons was it not =P they decided to keep our props for future classes.

after having dinner together at Salim's Mamak, to a good hearty meal and fun conversations i came home to a rainy day,

with my cloths still hanging outside.
owh well, life's like that.

no reason to get worked up over it.

the main deal was over McD's that we da pow-ed.
Campus Life wants to run an orientation welcome party for the freshies in UMS
i am only as good in seeking advice from as the experience i've been through,
seek the adviser lecturer for better counsel, least we only use his name as a recognition chop.

is this event really Harmoni,
or is it just only a certain party that holds the vision,
share it, least there is no support from without that which is needed.

ah, night, i long to rest into the days ahead

Saturday, August 27, 2016


went for prayer at Kokol summit hill this morning,

there was a girl named Marrisa whom never really met charlie before,
yet the seemed to be friends since forever.

something about the locals here in Sabah that have a very thin, or even non existent barrier between each other and strangers.

as if everyone was family.

starting to journal?

okay, so i;m supposed to start journaling

today i decided to hang out with more human beings rather than staying at home, alone
and it pays off. i thought that it would be better to have less interaction so that i can have more time to my self to learn, read and do what i want. but only having inputs and no outputs isn't the most healthy thing to do.

i guess its more of a just get out there and do it kinda mentality that works
like have a task list and just DO. not wasting time lying on the bed feeling lazy

also another thing that happened today was that i DECIDED to go for CTK's adult cell group
which sometimes i think twice, because it isn't as interactive as Riviya in Skyline,

but then in Camp Cameron's it was made clear that i can't be in two different churches
and i just need to commit to one. i would really want to grow personally

but i think it's in contributing to where there is a need.
not where i can fill my needs. because really, life has been a blessing so far.

to prepare the day before is to succeed the next day.
i wonder how closely i stick to my blog's name.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Autistic love

In the plane taking the flight back. This kid behind me started hitting the chair. And making noises. But it wasn't normal. So I brushed it off for the first few times. Once it didn't stop, I turned around and patted his head.

He was autistic.

The guy sitting beside me was a Murut. He turned around and looked at the kid. Then started asking about him to the parents. 7 years old, he learnt slow. But he could walk and talk basic words. Then the guy beside me told me that his child too was autistic.

But he talked about him just as a father would. Full of love and compassion. He would say how they would go to the park, and he'll be running and climbing around. And when it's time to go home hell just say "Jom", and his child would understand the call. But if hadn't had enough, he would reply "Wawa". (And the father mimicked it with a smile). And he would understand that the kid wanted 5 more minutes.

He only has one child. Whole the family in the plane was of five. They still loved unconditionally.

Lord, meek and humble in heart. Grant me the grace to desire and practice, that part of love that You've placed in all of us.