Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Waiheke island time

So the lady at Shambala told me something called "island time"...

Where people on the island seem to be in no rush. And they just take time in their own pace

How cool is that.
"Slow down, you're already here"
Is a signboard that I've never seen anywhere else...

And another thing.
The sad story of Dwane protector of the penguins. Who lost to the capitalist.
Even the marine reserve couldn't winnagaisnt the silt caused by piles from the marina..

Owh well.
Such is life

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

such a good descriptions of KPIs and Metrics

From Blinkist point 3 on the book Capitalist Realism

The paradox of Market Stalinism

We now turn our attention to a phenomenon that epitomizes the paradoxical nature of contemporary economic systems: Market Stalinism. This term is a reflection of the intricate and often contradictory forces at play in our societies – forces that shape both the institutions we interact with and our very perceptions of efficiency and productivity.

Market Stalinism, which might seem oxymoronic at first glance, aptly describes a situation where the market's invisible hand is coupled with an iron fist of administrative control and surveillance. This combination results in an environment where the very forces that are supposed to liberate the market and enhance productivity end up creating new forms of bureaucracy that stifle innovation and creativity. This scenario is vividly portrayed in Mike Judge’s film Office Space, which humorously yet incisively depicts the suffocating nature of the modern corporate setting.

In this environment, workers find themselves inundated with redundant memos and trivial administrative tasks that serve more to demonstrate compliance with procedures than to contribute to any meaningful productivity. In an era often touted for its neoliberal policies – policies like deregulation, privatization, and the emphasis on free-market competition – the reality is a growing complexity and expansion of bureaucratic processes. The relentless push for ongoing evaluations, financial audits, and the measurement of performance through various metrics has given rise to a convoluted administrative maze. In seeking to streamline and optimize, these neoliberal approaches have ironically led to the very inefficiency they aimed to eliminate.

The impact of this phenomenon is not confined to the corporate world alone. It permeates various sectors, including education and public services, where teachers and other professionals are increasingly burdened by the need to satisfy an ever-growing array of performance indicators and targets. These measures, ostensibly designed to improve standards and accountability, often end up diverting resources and attention away from the core activities they’re meant to enhance. In educational settings, for instance, the focus shifts from the actual teaching and learning process to the production and management of data that satisfies bureaucratic requirements.

This scenario leads to what can be described as a culture of bureaucratic anti-production, where the primary output is not goods or services but an endless stream of data and documentation that serves to feed the bureaucratic machine. This culture not only stifles creativity and innovation but also demoralizes those caught in its web, leading to a sense of futility and disengagement. It represents a significant departure from the ideals of efficiency and effectiveness that are often touted as the hallmarks of market economies.

As we ponder this scenario, we should ask ourselves: How can we navigate and reshape these structures to create environments that truly enhance human potential and societal well-being? What new paradigms and approaches are needed to break free from the constraints of bureaucratic anti-production and realize the promise of a more dynamic, responsive, and human-centered system?

Friday, January 26, 2024


 what am i doing with this life

day after day....

is there anything that changes?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

theta state. slipping in the sleepiness

Long sermons in church was good.
People got sleepy..and when your tripping in between the states of consciousness and sleep.. man.. that's the sweet spot..

That's why sleeping in class is good...

That's why Silva talks about it..
That's why the second universal law is about it..

It's not a mystery or unknown..

Sleepy is good..

Friday, January 12, 2024

themes for the year

So the recurring word or intention that has constantly been popping up is...

What would you do,
If it was really just you?

Our thoughts and actions are so determined and influenced by our surroundings. We constantly think about what others would think about us if we did a certain thing, or not.. 

Resulting in us becoming very passive beings.. it's so much safer than being an active person.

There's no potential for rejection, no room for error. But that's a bad thing. Because humans grow when we make mistakes, that's how we learn. That's how babies learnt to crawl and talk and eat. Just try, if we fail, learn from it, what went wrong, and try again, keep trying until we get it right.

That is the spirit of resilience.

It's okay to fail,
Just... Don't keep doing the same thing and failing over and over again...

Take time to reflect.
When something has gone wrong.
What happened?

And what can we do better next time,
Especially if a similar situation pops up again.


What do we count hlas being previous to us? This will determine our priorities in life.

The things we place the most value in, is the things that our mind will think about.

It's the things that we'll thinking into the future about. it'll determine the plans we make, the goals we'll achieve. The direction, the compass that points north.

Been watching made in Abyss season 2. And this been popping up.

Value... To each his own he determines what is precious. Something's might be more valuable to others than it would to a stranger. This is because of the intrinsic interaction that one has had with that object or person.

I value time.
I value truth.

I value my family
My wife, my son..

I value... Learning

New things,







There is so much to value.
Too many things in this world,
It would be endless

We just have to choose what we value
In the moment,
In the season

In the time

Friday, January 05, 2024

what would you do if the world was ending?

Carol and the end of the world.
Episode 2. Some ppl in there kind of sums up what NZ Spirit was like.

Spiritual and removed from reality.

The world is ending..
What would you be doing?

Some ppl still find it important to "go to work". I've got a job to do...

And shut down conversations with others...

They hide behind work.

And the part of the toner.
It was like when I went to get firewood for the the central fireplace.
A little too late,
And the buggy had already brought big load. I also took the basket chair from a lady sitting on it...

Owh well.. it's the intention that counts right.

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Romans 15:13

our God is the source of all hope. all. every other but of hope in this world... comes from Him. He is the one and only true source of hope... nothing else.. not money, not other religions, nor even our own selves... we might find hope in other things.. but they are all secondary ...  hope comes from God, He is the source of it

fill us with joy and peace. just happiness and having no anxiety, the ability to smile and not worry, not overthink, not be depressed about the world or environment or whatever is around us... it's all in His hands. our lives are in His hands...

as we trust in Him. the most important thing. trust. trust is so important. it's so... critical. every relationship needs trust. trust in the right person, trust is hard to earn, once broken trust is hard to get back, couples trust each other, to tell each other the truth and to support each other when needed... we trust each other to be there... trust God 

overflow with hope. into the lives of those around you. power from the Spirit. the only Spirit that is true. no other spirit in this world deserves a place in our hearts, in our lives. Christ is the master, the Father gives instructions, the Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, promts us on what is right and wrong... follow Chirstm trust him.

then you will know true hope,
true joy and true peace.

father and daughter, toilet door and finger

I went to the Waiheke fairy toilet.
The door smaller on a little girls finger.
I felt some resistance when I was closing the door, I should have pop it open straight away.......

Instead of slamming it.

The father and everyone around was really supportive.. they mentioned that it wasn't my fault over and over again...

I feel so bad tough...

Causing pain, without intention,


She kept crying  . I couldn't do anything but apologize...

The dad was saying over and over.. don't worry about it. Honestly, he's so nice..

He showed what it is to be a wrong person.

He held her with love. And support.
And calmness...

The little bother kept laughing.. i told him don't put his finger in the door.. learn from his older sister...

Dad said the younger kid put his finger in the car door before... Haha.. I should have continue the convo . But the girl seem to be in So much pain... 

Nothing. I can do . Will buying an ice cream help?

NZ Spirit nye

Christianity is both the easiest and hardest of religions

It's somewhat easy, for us the humans, because all the hard work was done by God. The Trinity has done all the heavy lifting, suffering, and bashing up of Satan when Christ went to confront him and take the keys of hell away... 

All we have to do is.. accept Jesus into our lives as Saviour and Lord... Sounds easy right...

However.. it's not that simple.

Christianity is a monotheistic faith.
Hence, the narrow path.

Unlike practitioners or believers of polytheism, Christians can't worship other gods.

I.e. at the Spirit festival, there are so many cultures.. mostly Hindu (yoga, kritan mantras that repeat the names of Krisna, teachings from the Bahgavad Gitta, the Ohm sign..)... There's Moari, praying to the sky father and earth mother and rivers and sun and moon... There's Druics with their crystals, healing sounds with singing bowls, hand pans and shooting voices, there's Peruvian Macca and Cacao ceremonies... And also LGBT (contraversial topic, needs in depth explanation) There's a whole bunch of worldview there ..

So I would say .. if one is 'okay' with these kind of stuff.. it's 'easy'... Because... Who cares...

You can do anything.. and have no remorse, shame, guilt, conflicting thoughts, cognitive dissonance...

BUT, if you're a strict conservative...
You'll view chanting as... worshipping the devil. You'll view yoga as satanic, the practices as demonic....

Christ guard our minds. All truth is God's.

But it doesn't mean that one's mind cwon't be open to the possibility of other cultures and traditions

Their holy scriptures.. our holy scriptures, our God is so powerful, that all good is His. Just don't worship another god..

The One in us, is greater than the one without..

The drumming, all cultures have a rythm, it's in us as humans, God made us with a beating heart.

The plants and medicine, chemical compounds, DNA, is all made by God. God wrote our genetics, of ever single organism on this world.... Just don't abuse drugs, it destroys... Anything excessive is toxic..

There is a balance.
Find that.

The dance, our bodies made to move.
Cacao ceremony was liberating... In safe space, where you can express to the fullest what you want. Without fear of being judged or looked at weirdly.. cause.. the truth is, everyone is a weirdo in some way, we just don't show it publicly

The meditation sessions, the men's circle, it's stuff you'd do in church. Or a group of ppl your trust. Sharing and being listened to.

The ex-addict spoke about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, pulling the hand break when we feel the triggers.

The Selenium guy knows Neuro Linguistic Programming... And FMT..  proponent for good guy health... And how excessive supplements (that do help in small amounts) can become toxic

Kritan is really like a group of Christians doing high praise, singing and harmonizing, repeating the four magical chords of G, C, D Em,... Some eventually breaking out spontaneously in tongues, oh but the dance is wildddd

But there's only so much mantras, and repeating on loop for 10 minutes... Simpletons... The mind like simplicity.. it's easy.

Christian songs go are more.. complex. They have meaning and lyrics and such.. (sort not bashing.. ) .. btw I prefer old school Christian songs to new ones....

And holy scriptures, vice verses,