Friday, June 14, 2019

Progress and Conservative

Progressive Conservative

God's truth is the basis for my truth.

Although I know about alternative worldviews. Yet I still choose to believe in what I know is true.

Pro life vs pro choice
Abstinence vs Marriage
Monogamy vs polygamy
Gender binary vs LGBTQIA+

I want to be on the side that is right.
Yet how does one reach out to those that are lost?

They don't see themselves as lost.

But nothing is new under the sun.
Sodom and gomorrah in the past.
The world is just going in a cycle.

If they think they are progressive...
Think again, it already has been done,
Its history written in the Bible.

How to not come across as hateful,
How does one let them see Jesus instead of a bigot Christian.

I want to show love.
I want to be like Jesus.

But how...

I guess we need to choose our fights at the end of the day. Some people are just not worth our time and effort.

Some people are those that we love,
And we fight with them... Because we're fighthing for them. Not for ourselves. Or are we?

Am I a selfish individual?
Am I really just doing things for my own win?

What is my intention, what is my goal?
To glorify God or myself,
To be a display of love or display of pride.

What wins the hearts of people?
Not factual correctness...
Its an empathetic heart.

People don't need to be told they are wrong.
People don't need to be judged.
They are already their own worse critic.
The most hate they receive is not from outside, it comes from within...

And that's why so many people give in.
And say screw it, I'm just going to be me. I'm going to... Give into the desires of the flesh and do whatever I want to do. So that I'm comfortable and consistent both in thought and action.


There's a consciousness placed inside each and everyone of us when we're born.
Its because we are made in His image, we carry an internal moral compass that tells us what delights Him and what hurts Him.

We know when we're doing something wrong.

We just know it.

No matter how we try to justify, make excuses, distract our focus, drown out the pain and sorrow of disobedience... We can always run, try to hide... At the corners of the earth, in the deapts of the seas....

But His love will always find us, eventually.

Nothing can separate us from His love,
Neither angles nor demons,
No principality or powers.


At the end of the day we all return to His love. To His truth.

Like the prodigal son that wasted and squandered his life in the ways of the world, gluttony, prostitution, hedonism, giving to every whim and desire of the flesh... As far as he's fallen, to the pig stye, the manure, the smelliest alley, darkens dank dripping wet and disgusting.. so low and hungry enough to eat the pods of pigs...

Yet the Father still waits for his return. With open arms. Ready to dress him in new clean fresh robes, and put sandles for his feet to walk a new path, a signet ring to show the authority and sonship.. Of a family, and inheritance like no other.

Family of God, an adoption into His glorious Kingdom by the works of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross..

Nothing I can do, nothing I have done can separate me from God's love,

Except one thing

My own choice.

To live in debouchery or holiness.

Am I like the eldest son? Least we be like a pharisee or saducee. Knowing where the younger brother was, knowing what he was doing g the whole time. Yet did not go out and try to bring him home.

Becoming bitter and jealous when the father chooses to so mercifully forgive and accept him back.. Just like that.

Our God is a merciful God.
He is unfair in our eyes, paying the same wages to those that here hired to work at the last hour..

He is only unfair from our perspective.

He's already paid the price.

Whom are we to judge God for His generosity.

All things is for Him to give as He pleases.

He gave up His Son.

He had the right to forgive, because He's altesdy paid the price.


I have no right.

Except that which God has bestowed upon me.

My right is God's right.

Or should I say

God's righteousness is mine.

My truth is not God's truth,
His truth becomes my truth.

I want to progress.
Not in the ways of the world

But the pilgrims way..

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