Sunday, June 09, 2019

Prayer, old and new priesthood - Ps Mervin, Kingdom city

Imagine you are a father and lack a voice to warn your child about danger.

That's what happens when priest lose the ability to discern and hear God's voice.

1 Sam 2:12-14

Hannah was crying for a child,
God was crying for a prophet.

God is raising up a new priesthood in kingdom city...

Condition of the old priesthood
We like to hold on to the good ol things,
The hyms, the tradition..

That was good, but new is better.
God is for the new.
New wine

We are nostalgic, sentimental
New songs release a new move of God.

Don't make it generational.

He became fat (especially spiritually)
With camps, conference, sermons..
But not change in the life.

He was almost blind.
Its not working, its good for that season, that move.

The old is now old, fat and blind.

1. They were greedy.
2. Sexually immoral

The new priesthood
Not just pray..

But conceive

1 Sam 1:11

The enemy is always after you money.
Money is your time, effort, work of life.

Sacrifice is the same aroma of Christ on the cross.

God doesn't want your money,
He wants your heart.

Old Eli order vs new Samuel order of priesthood.

3. Prophecy 1 Sam 3:1

A city that lives without the voice of God is in a dangerous place.
It'll have the voice of the world:  it's okay to be greedy, it's okay to be cruel, it's okay to be sexually immoral

That's what the music, movies and media is showing now adays..

This words won't fall to the ground.

4. Revival
If you're going to bring the prophetic voice, it'll naturally brith into the...

People will be confessing, people will be renouncing...

For the first time they pushed the philistines out.

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