Thursday, June 13, 2019

Sacarsm in the heart

"Ooo, I wonder what's going to be so important... Is there any possibility to know what announcement will be made? XP haha or must we wait for that night to hear about it"

The way things are written.
So sacarstic.

I wonder why...
I feel this urge of rebellion towards authority.

I just feel like lashing out and speaking my mind.

I've been attending ZCL for as much as I can remember. Just missing out one time in Feb. And they give me a warning/reminder ? Gee, I wonder if the message is even personally written.


Am I a bringer of disharmony wherever I go? Challenging social norms in conservstive religious organisations.

What really is the church.

Who really are Christians.

Do I feel more love,
Or judgement.

I used to sit on the seat of a condemer.
Least I'm beginning to know now...

"It is not about imposing upon others what I PERCIVE is the right thing"

Help me to accept, help me to stay humble

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