Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Jesus has overcome the power of death.
even the death of three.
He is the one that gives life,
even life to us.

Our lives need to revolve around Him,
He is the center of it all.
If ever my life were to revolve around myself,
or even you... then we would be off course

We would be deviant from the plan
the original plan.
yes we've got free will,
but what is it good if we use it to choose,
that which is not meant for us.

I want the best,
for both of us.
i try to make the choice,
i make the wrong choices,

i try to turn things around
i try to fix things,

but not everything can be fixed.
not everything can be brought to perfection

not by my own hands,
its time for me to learn that
that i cannot fix everything

its time for me to understand that,
i dont need to watch videos to the end
or listen to songs to the last beat
or read a book from cover to cover.



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