Wednesday, June 03, 2020

predicting what is going to be read next

funny isn't it,
how when we reaad things, somethings. sometimes we can predict what is going to be said next in the line. as if, we've read it before, there's some conception of what's coming next, a foresight, an image.

the more knowledge one has stored up in the brain, the more things seem to repeat themselves, the more things seem to be related and connected like branches to a tree trunk. the more information, the more guesses and predictions can be made, and these calculations happen so instanteneously.

i think that's why music is so nice, we sorta can know what's in the next line, what melody it'll be, and the beat helps alot too. (unless we dont know the song!) xP

too much information nowadays float around without having any proper anchor points in the mind.

and still, always be open to the unexpected happening.

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