Wednesday, June 03, 2020

on wareables

so i got a huawei band 4 pro and band 4 e
i also have a mate 9,  with huawei's health app installed.

i know they're taking a heck tonne of information from me.
and they are probably tracking me everywhere i go too with the GPS.
listening in onto everthing i say though the always on microphone,
watching me with the camera, that faces both forwards and back
as well as camera's from other phones..

this is it.. this is the state of surveillance that.. destopian stories talk about
but see, it doesn't have to be enforeced upon us... 

we willing accept it,
i willing buy and pay for it,
i willingly put it on my arm

cause in my mind, 
i'm sold out to it,

the advertising worked.
it made me think that this was something i "NEEDED"

well.. technology is only as helpful so far as it doen't master us.

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