Saturday, June 13, 2020

Orbit Protect Working Holiday Insurance

Just signed up for orbit protect insurance
When i was coming here from Malaysia i was looking for insurance that would cover Working Holiday Visa (WHV). but, there isn't any that when you googled would specifically say that it's fro WHV.

So i just got a AXA "smart traveller annual - gold" that covers NZ. it was abt RM175 bucks
BUT their FAQ states specifically that they DONT cover WHV... zz
Can I buy travel annual plan for working holiday in New Zealand or Australia?
Travel insurance is designed for travellers who travel for leisure or business only. Working holiday is not considered as a leisure or a business trip.

so yeah..
but i just kept the policy lah, incase .. you know.. need to use it next time.
it's an annual thing anyway

i've been here in NZ for abt 3 months now.
survived the COViD19 lockdown wohoo!
(was working in a factory, it was considered an essential industry)

so yeah...
my whatsapp chat group talked abt getting an insurance,
so there was this one mentioned: Orbit Protect.

but i didn't think abt if for some time
until today... i searched online .. AA insurance etc.. so many out there lah.. so confusing sometimes.
but Orbit.. man.. they are good.. straightforward to the point....

says there right on their front homepage: Working Holiday Insurance

checked out their premiums.. good leh..
and once working here in NZ for a few weeks.. its affordable lah
So yeah.

Got insurance now =)

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