Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Dear God

Thank you for coming as a light into my life, to guide me and to shine the way. May You reveal things in mylife that need to be touched & changed by you. Lord, you were here since the beginning & You are there in the future. Sometimes i worry about what is going to happen. But please let me have peace knowing you are the Light & you will provide all that I need, not more, not less, but just what you'd want me to have that would keep me relient to you. That I may know it is not things i should desire for, you You.

Your Word is always true. Everything you said, all the promises you made. If there was anything in this world that I should put my trust in, let it be You and your words. May it not just be memorised scriptures in my head, but help me to live it out in my daily life, to embodie it, to  be empowered by it, to find assurance, peace, guidance, rest, fullfilment, joy, love, teachings, rebuke, warnings, rewards, my portion. all that is enough for me.

Let it be in you that I find my satisfaction in life, my given purpose, my meaning.
Let my dailty thoughts be shaped by You, when I rise: Your the first thoguht on my mind,
when i lay my head down to sleep: Your the one I talk to to thank you.
That the questions i ask not just others but also myself... are influenced by You
My intentions of the day,
turn myself from me to you

"Self-righteousness has nothing righteousabout it, is is just being selfish"

Let me not miss out on who you are.

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