Monday, November 25, 2019

day 1: Renovating my mind

day one of a five day devotion
Reset you mind: Overhauling Toxic Thoughts

thoughts are incredibly important and determine the trajectory of our lives
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" - Henry Ford
"We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think" - Buddha
"Believe you can and you're halfway there" - Teddy Roosevelt
"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts" - Marcus Aurelius
"Our thoughts make us what we are" - Dale Carnegie

Greek word for renewing is: anakainosis
literally meaning renovation

Q: What kind of renovation does my mind need?
A; Alot, but i feel like the most important is relationships? claiming back the day? God? wow, i think there's a lot of tearing down and building up to be done.

Q: Do i find myself constantly complaining?
A: Yes and no. I don't like to be pessimistic. but sometimes i just only have negative thoughts.
"You don't listen do you? You ask the same questions every week. "Are you having any negative thoughts?". All i have are negative thoughts" - Joker

Q: Am I jealous or envious of others and how their lives seem to be better than mine?
A: not really, i would like a new pair of flat running shoes and tights from the Adidas store though. but they're pricey and i dont need them. I can run in whatever i have now. But is it just material things. or are there more things that i envy of others? freedom? the ability to travel? hmm i dont know. never really thought i was a jealous person.

Q: Do you feel overwhelmed and defeated by how you view yourself?
A: nope. but sometimes. Sometimes i just lay in bed, without the strength to get out and do anything. But it's been better lately. like today =) and the past week. I hung out with Alex and daNiel for the Joseph musical. I drank few cups of boba tea: xing fu tang and daboba. all treated. treated to meals. yeah i think food is critical to my wellbeing. if i dont eat right, i just feel realllly sluggish.

"Often, we refer to unwanted thoughts as negative or bad, but what they really are is toxic"
wow this line hit me hard!

we cant change every thought we have, but we can identify the ones that are toxic and take steps to change those first.

looking forward to the next four days of:
1) testing my thoughts
2) capturing toxic thoughts
3) fixing my thoughts on Jesus
4) making a plan to put into practice

Reflection time
Q1: THink abou my most comon thoguths. How do they make me feel?
 A: i always think about task what i should need to get done and the things that i've not done. and it really really just clutters up my mind. i feel mentally drained and unable to think about being in the hear and now. but this morning was good. i was just immersed in what i was doing, jogging, gym, stretching.

Q2: In what area of my thought life do i need a renovation?
A: hmm, priorities and focus. purpose and meaning. daily activities...
ah, social media. facebook and youtube. i really need to stop watching it mindlessly.
and feeding my brain with junk.
i need to write more, to create more and be... more me
more me time. more .. think about thinking.
more serenity and silence and stillness without having anything running in my mind that i need to get this done or that done.

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will

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