Monday, November 04, 2019


The day Crystal flew to NZ

Woke up around 9am
Daily office - parable of the seeds
12pm Mamak - roti kosong
Bataras - milk and musli
Home - YouTube
Lunch 2.30pm
YouTube - techlead, finance
Sports 4.30pm jog. Wanted to play tennis with the wall but there was someone
6pm went over to Gordon's place for samyang celebration
11.00pm home

What was the most important thing (MIT)?
To be with people.
To call Crystal as much as possible

What was the most important question? (MIQ)
What's the condition of my heart?

Over dinner they talked alot about songs. Music. I couldn't really join in. As I don't have much of a musical or artist list.

What am I really focusing on?
If I could learn one new thing. Anything what would it be? What am I Intrested in?

Masters. I should focus on that and get that done. My masters.

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