Saturday, December 27, 2014

the machine 2013

just watched "the machine" the other day. so closely linked to "her" and "transcendent".

in the movie, looks like the key for Artificial intelligence is..
to be able to learn from conversations.

come to think of it, if i had a super power, i would love to be able to read other people's conversations. come to think of it, i would just talk to them =)

this is the core of humanity, relationships. when we talk to people, we mold not only ourselves, but also those around us. our personalities, our consciousness, our ideas.. not just our own, but we also take in the beliefs of others, its a collection of all our experiences and memories.

yet, our identity is still found in God, as He is the one who gives us life.
thats why there is still hope for the human soul.

a machine is however created by man, if it was to take on the image of its creator,
a man's heart is prone to sin, war, death, hate, greed... pride

or could it be possible for love to exist in a machine.. one that cares, one that nurtures

technology, the brain: search engine preferences.
they guess and assume what we want to look at based on our search and browsing history,
very much like reading our conversations with other people,

just that: it replaces community interaction between two or more people with
a very individualistic introverted interaction between man and machine.

.. thats it..

i'm gonna cut myself off the internet and get a cellular phone with no data, wassap or instant fb messaging.

soon =)

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