Friday, December 28, 2018

My Creator

What a world to live in,
God made it.

He is the begging of all things,
And will be at the end of it too.

There is no other gods above Him,
Although we may have created many.

It is all because He gave us freedom,
Creativity and imagination to make,
Just as He did.

Some will abhor the idea of eternal life,
And prefer a reincarnation cycle,
Some will loathe a religious order,
Detest priest and organisations,
Despise and scron sacred text and books,
Shun the written Word,
Disapprove of the laws and commandments,

In the pursuit of love, hedonism and nihilism.


Can't we see that everything around us has been created. Created by Someone. Created for a reason. Created together, for each other, for the Creator.

What does it really mean to,
Go and make disciples.

What do I follow,
What do I want others to follow?

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