Sunday, December 30, 2018

30 dec 2018

"This year, I found love in the most unlikely places:
In the song of birds chirping as I tightened a noose around my neck
In the shameless confession of my vices to a hostile friend
In the stern rebuke of a lover against my love of the others
(“Others” here meaning death, alcohol, violence, sugar)
In the knowing words and quizzical stares of my thoughtful mother
In the dazzling smile and bony fingers of my would-be murderer
In the all-embracing silence of the Blessed Sacrament
(And certainly, in the delightful noise of screaming children)
In the deft hands and sureness of my mechanics
In the arbitrary gifts of several wild romantics
In the patient explanations by my nation’s and the world’s brightest
In the generous smiles of humble, billionaire titans
But most of all, inside myself, in the deepest part of my being
Where I found grace and forgiveness, intellect and meaning
...fine, I’ll admit it - a strange, subconscious manipulation was inherent
If like nothing but the soft fur and needy mews of ravenous kittens"
-Samantha Ho

this was posted on Facebook,
but i just wanna place it here so that it could be looked back on..

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