Monday, December 31, 2018

A truth

all things will come to light sooner or later
Nothing remains hidden

Sunday, December 30, 2018

30 dec 2018

"This year, I found love in the most unlikely places:
In the song of birds chirping as I tightened a noose around my neck
In the shameless confession of my vices to a hostile friend
In the stern rebuke of a lover against my love of the others
(“Others” here meaning death, alcohol, violence, sugar)
In the knowing words and quizzical stares of my thoughtful mother
In the dazzling smile and bony fingers of my would-be murderer
In the all-embracing silence of the Blessed Sacrament
(And certainly, in the delightful noise of screaming children)
In the deft hands and sureness of my mechanics
In the arbitrary gifts of several wild romantics
In the patient explanations by my nation’s and the world’s brightest
In the generous smiles of humble, billionaire titans
But most of all, inside myself, in the deepest part of my being
Where I found grace and forgiveness, intellect and meaning
...fine, I’ll admit it - a strange, subconscious manipulation was inherent
If like nothing but the soft fur and needy mews of ravenous kittens"
-Samantha Ho

this was posted on Facebook,
but i just wanna place it here so that it could be looked back on..

Friday, December 28, 2018

Cg is off

They're calling off CG because the only person that want sto attend is retarded.

I still remember when there was only three of us, my boss, mama and I. Three years back. And we would still have had CG.

And saying that there's going to be "homework"... Really??

Thats one word I disliked. And to still hear it as an adult. What do you think we are?? Some kinda kids? Who do you think you are? A more-righteous-than-you teacher?

Gah... I never got frustrated about these things.
Never felt irritated.

Why now

I don't want all these negative thoughts and feelings to keep spewing out of my heart and mind. This isn't me

I want to write all this as replies in the WhatsApp group. But that would just be mean, evil in fact.

It would bring no harmony and only harm.

What would a God of love,
Have me do?

To talk to him,
We are all intertwined

My Creator

What a world to live in,
God made it.

He is the begging of all things,
And will be at the end of it too.

There is no other gods above Him,
Although we may have created many.

It is all because He gave us freedom,
Creativity and imagination to make,
Just as He did.

Some will abhor the idea of eternal life,
And prefer a reincarnation cycle,
Some will loathe a religious order,
Detest priest and organisations,
Despise and scron sacred text and books,
Shun the written Word,
Disapprove of the laws and commandments,

In the pursuit of love, hedonism and nihilism.


Can't we see that everything around us has been created. Created by Someone. Created for a reason. Created together, for each other, for the Creator.

What does it really mean to,
Go and make disciples.

What do I follow,
What do I want others to follow?

Thursday, December 27, 2018

the mind synthesis

i realise i receive insights,
when i'm talking with a friend.

My Father, 25+1

God is like a Father.. He is the original father.

He doesn't lay out a plan for you life and force you to follow it against your will.

He knows best, yes. He has a good will, yes. He has you in the best interest just as a father would to his child.

And He wants you to make your own choices, just like a father would his child.

He wants us to grow, to mature through our experiences and life decisions (of cause in consultation with Him too!).

He isn't a commanding tyrant devoid of emotions or a slave driver with only his best interest in mind.

He loves,
Just like a father would,
Just like a father should,
Love like the Father.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

My King, 25 years

25 years old.
8 years leaving high school.
I wonder how much has changed.

4 years of being away
A year of wondering

It's so good to look back,
And see all the goodness

To be where we are today
To be celebrating Christmas

Thank you Lord,
Thank You for coming.

My King

Friday, December 21, 2018

Slave to Christ

I don't want to be a puppet.
I don't want to be used by anyone.
Except by You, Christ Jesus

leaving home for too long

"family doesn't say thank you"

"sometimes you're away from home so long you forget yourself" _ Eleanor Young

some truth in it.
its so different to be staying away from family,
the people that you grew up with and shaped your life.
It's not like they made the choices for me,
its just that it comes automatically choosing what was the best path based on the experience of others.
but now i find myself in a different place, and i...

i'm not sure if i want to follow the path that the rest have laid out before

Thursday, December 20, 2018

really... life?

all part of being human, reality of life.
but the good news is that we have Christ =) and we know He has a good plan for us. follow after Him, focus on Him. and may He use you wherever you may be placed. be a light there i wish i could get married with my girlfriend and move in together and start a family, have a place to stay that is convenient for both our careers ... ah...

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ah, you know its just the thought of having to go through so many channels that it gets quite overwhelming.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Jesus did this

Brady boyd: Addicted to busy: recovery for the rushed soul

Day5 : jesus pace is relational

This is exactly how Jesus treated God. His times of withdrawal, of divine rest, weren’t patronizing scraps tossed God’s way; they were intentional and intimate moments of connection, during which nothing else caught Jesus’s eye. “What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything,” Pedro Arrupe said. “It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evening, how you spend your weekends, what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.”

Jesus was in love with his Father. And that one great love drove everything he did—and did not do.

------------- end excerpt - - - - - - - 

I would not have done certain things my earthly father would disapprove off. Because I had a relationship with him and didn't want to sadden him. I did what I needed to do and I'd listen to his advice. And then I've met mentors and supervisors in life that I listen to too regarding ministry and work. And there's also the free time, what I'd spend time doing. Sometimes I just brows aimlessly on my Facebook wall, read random articles from Pocket or the News, watch endless stings of YouTube videos, scroll Pinterest, read silly 9gag or reddit posts. What am I rally doing with my life? Why have I lost 'control' over it. Why is my time consumed so much by media? Why am I tired and finding it hard to get out of bed. Why is there no drive, no guidance, nothing to follow, just going with the flow. Why does my brain feel so foggy. Where's the clarity. I think it's time to reevaluate my relationship with the one true God again, am I still in love with Him or have I fallen out of love and wandered away

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Jon foreman tedX

When you're a musician and philosopher.. .

Something nice that speak to the soul amist all the...

Lifelessness to get out of bed