Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mucus Charging Sweating Tehory

okay so nope its not a single thing, its three

Mucus Theory
- When one has a soar throat and there is constantly phlegm (hard to spell!) being made, thne one wants to spit it out as much as he can right? (no i'm not gonna ask you to swallow it).

- what i think is this, after spitting out the yellow-greenish phlegm, prevent yourself from spitting in 1 or 2 hours. Why? because the theory is this, that phlegm contains anti-bacterial properties and kills the germs. if you spit it out too often, then the germs dont die and the mucus is always white/transparent.

-its like.. dont waste your body making goo. keep it inside you longer for a better result in healing...

Charging Theory
on phones and other devices. since now they have 500mA and 2.1Amps. or the general 1Amp.. all devices plug into microUSB which is conviniet. however, i believe that the slower you charge the phone's batteries the longer they will last (not just long term, but the moment you unplug it). why so? i duno. but i find that if i charge my moto G with a 2.1Amp output.. it dies faster than when i use a slower 750mAmp

Sweating Theory
active boys who exercise regularly sweat more easily than people who live sedentary lifestyles. its like.. if you usually go running, the momment your body start doing walking movements, it triggers the sweat glands to go crazy and start preparing for a workout. or well atlesat thats what your body is condition to think your doing to do.

and people who sit all day long at home, can walk miles without breaking a sweat, because: one, either thier pores are stuck/mulfuntioning due to the lack of use of it... or two, they sweat galnds just dont anticipate the owner to do sports. which... he isnt going to do.. becaseu he's just walking to the bus...

well this three theories are totally unsound. they have no scitific backing. and they are just written for fun.

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