Sunday, October 26, 2014


Why did I have to do all those things and walk away. What could I ever do to make it up to you. To come back into your embrace and feel the warmth of your grace.

Its horrible of me, irresponsible. To be given so much and yet still not cherish it. To be trusted to be loved to be allowed into the deepest parts of your heart.

Why does it always have to be the same season. Just as the trials of examinations are coming up the blissful holidays are always set just before them.

Go and move on. Go and be learned. Study and gain knowledge apart from thinking about what shouldn't be.

I too will see you. Far on the other side. As much as I want to walk together with you in the storms. It may seem i am a far off distance. Yet know that I'll never let your hand go. I've never ever intended to.

Sweet words. Oh how destructive they can be. Sweet as honey comes a little bitterness, that adds up to all its goodness. Sweet words, now how wonderful it is to hear praises.

Only if one means it.

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