Thursday, April 10, 2014

my mom's name

grace is an amazing thing.
the more i think about it the more i realize i didn't know what i meant

so many times i've heard:
from church:
1. its receiving a gift or something i don't deserve
(and mercy is not receiving the punishment we deserve)
2. it is already given, but if we dont accept it, its goodness cant be applied in out life
(universalize salvation - arministic)
3. God chooses and predestines who he wants to show grace to
(in the sense that we couldn't choose grace even if we wanted to - calvinistic)

Eph 2:8 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God"

from merriam-webster:
a :  unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification
b :  a virtue coming from God
c :  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace

but as i walk on in life, i realize that.. grace is probably the second most beautiful thing after Love.
love that never fails.

 come to think of it, grace solves so much problems in life. it brings peace when the tables aren't even. it brings joy in suffering. it brings light in times of dirty darkness.

grace what have you done. that Your very existence has forced me to change my life. to view my life so differently... if i never knew what grace was, i would be innocent of doing the things i do in the flesh. but ever since i came to know you, i cannot just live my life as i have been doing in the past. i cannot live in denial and oblivious to the fact that grace is meant to bring change.

and yet i realize that i do no know who you are.
just like i never know how my bride would be at 80,
yet its the journey i'm willing to take but committing my life to you.

grace what have you done?
murdered for me on that Cross.
Accused in absence of wrong
my sin washed away in your Blood.

teach me, Master, what you meant by grace.
how can one show grace if the opportunity does not pop up?
and boy when it does.. it isn't a nice thing to experience..

Jesus had to shed blood and get nailed to a cross to show it,
how far would you go, dear heart...
how much can you endure dear body...
how long would you walk, dear legs
how dirty would you get, dear hands

as far as grace enables me to.

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