Wednesday, April 16, 2014

a good pillow, lets one think much

the internet
-is so full of crap, there's wayy to many things to read nowadays,
-especially facebook, its doing more harm than good, wasting my time
-yeah my bad, no self control, cant stop checking the news feeds
-thank God i dont have twitter, instagram or other social sucking soul stealing scheme.

-the good of internet? so many people can write good stuff nowadays,
-one in a while i come across a good meaningful wall post on FB,
-almost if the guy complied all the wrote, he could make a book and publish it.
-i want to do that =)
-but so many times, meaningful things get washed away into the annals of time,
-archived into the internet's cloud memory of a billion terabytes and still expanding ever infinitely

-man has their own responsibility of education in their hands,
-especially after he gets a laptop,
-its a window the the cloud, the information, truths and lies that float in it.
-cant be blamed if we are naive

-with great opportunities, come greater risk of losing everything.

the eyes are the window to our soul indeed.
-i watched a horror movie, occulus with a friend.
-the ticket was bought without my consent, so i was 'obliged' to go
-i dont normally watch horror movies, i turn them down whenever i can
- so after such a long time of not being 'exposed' to it, my horror sense is extremely vulnerable
-gosh, now when i close my eyse to pray i imagine a lady in white robes and glowing eyes.
-evil spirit in the name of Jesus, leave me alone!
-well that worked =)
-the Blood that cover's us FTW
-careful what you watch, watch porn = lustful thoughts = pimples.
-learnt about chemical chain reaction today, haha

gays and coffee
-i drank coffee just now
-it works, i cant sleep.. and i have a gaharu workshop tomorrow
-i lay on my bed, mind wide awake, but the caffeine stimulating the synapses.
-i miss diagnose it as.. insomnia.. well sorta self induced.
-the there is an over stimulation of something, the precious things get desensitized
-so we go out on a journey to find something that will give us a new 'hype'
-thus, distorted sexual orientation like.. being gay =P

really bad stupid theory.

write a book on "a good pillow"
-how it chirstianity is like a very.. comforting thing to have.
-imaging sleeping every night without a pillow
-life without Christ is like that
-btw i just got a memory foam pillow =) a friend had popular voucers, didn't know what to get...
-i now think that a good pillow is vital to life on earth
-cant wait to go to sleep now adays.
-and good sleep i get indeed!

write a sci-fiction book about
-a dystopian cyberpunk world
-a uthopian nature orientated world
-both of the same planet, each taking half the equator
-separated by a band of neutral steampunk land
-a boy from the technological side crosses to play in the river,
-and meets a new friend who dresses in leaves.

-sorta inspired by
-tripping the rift: the boarder
-world of warcraft: tree loving elves =) and armor forging drenei
-matrix: cyberpunk-ish, anything gadget-ie
-.... sigh.... write a book? get real....
-shall place this on my 'things to do list'

i want to kneel by my bedside and pray,
-my heart was so hard,
-asked God to soften it..
-lo and behold, the moment i thought of "comfort and peace", tears streamed down.
-for that is what i've received, and that is what i must share.

there are just so many, too many things to share about to pray about

i imagine i was holding someone's hand, i couldn't see who i was as i trailed along from behind. then at the end of the road it turned around and stared at me, it hard the face of a skull. i had been holding Death's hand all along the way, and i never knew it. my will was whatever he led me too. i was bounded but happily followed.

then Easter day happened Christ took my hand, and now he leads me, He doesnt hide His face, but always turns to look at me, so that i know who i'm following. As i close my eyes tonight, i reach out my hand to take hold of His. Some say it's His hand that holds on to us no matter what, but i would like to think, that even a grown man, can have to joy of holding on to Him. Just like a child holding on to his Father.

i was crawling, weakened, defeated. but Christ reached out His hand, and as i grabbed it, i felt strength return to me, pulsing through my whole body. i got back up on my feet, and started to walk back on the narrow parth.

-gotta paint a picture of it one day =)

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