Sunday, November 30, 2008
ladedadeda (thats what real crazy ppl say)
mhmm lets see where to start. ah yes. if u DID understand my previous post.. then.. u will know that my foot is BURNING! right now.. man.. using my feet and the blood vessels in it as a HEAT SINK?! what am i thinking?!?
well.. occasionally the adaptor gets too hot. and because i'm still a sentient being. i've got the brains to not just leave my foot there to become roasted pork (sorry muslims) . ok la.. for your sake i shall change it to.. 'roasted kebab'
mmhm.. i don't think my foot taste as good as that tought. ok cut the crap. i don't wanna talk (yeah u know what i mean by talk right.. like .. 10000 words) on this matter . and wasting your precious time/life.... so yeah moving on. (man i just like doing that... making u read 'precious time' i hope that its givingg u a *hint* abt something)
well.. so.. isn't it giving u a hint?
if your still reading this...
man u have ALOT of precious time to spend..
(notice i didn't put the word "waste")
heh heh..
still haven't clsoed the window?
man i feel like one of those "push the red button thingy"
=P now i dunderstand.
but yeah moving on..
when the adaptor gets too hot my internet stops working. (so that means the net is stable now (now cutting on and off) but the good thing on last as long as the adaptor is ... cool.. once it over heats it tends to stop working and i have to plug it out to cool it down.. how ma-fan) . sad right? .. poor leggie
so yeah.. to msn users.. i don't really wanna use msn now of fear that i will dc when i am halfway talking to you. sad right?
and ive i do.. sorry.. note that i am a guy who TRIES to say good bye before i close a convo. so yeah.. get my point? i didn't just go off/ sign out half way in our talk.. sorry dudes!
ohohohohohoh guess what?? guess what?? (say it like a small kid whose really really exited, like he got something he reallly really wants to tell u.. ) .... and is exited abt..
=P man do u just hate me or what?.... =P making u read alll this -cut short for your convinience-
oh yeah. gues what? .. erm.. now what did i want to make u guess again........ hmm =P
oh yeah! i remember.. now.. really i do...
heh heh ... wait let me think for a sec
oh yeah! .. no really this is for the last time
hehh heh
yeah.. what was it again.. (u know u can just skip this and read the main paragrah bellow right?..) .. but u'll never know which has a main point it in.. and u'll probebly most.. probebly skip the entire post .. which out finding the isi! beucase my post is all crap! .. ha ha!
=P sorry i just wanted to do that.... now where was i
oh yeah.. kerwiin and i cycled to one u today!.
"w.t.hell u made us read all that crap for that?? whats so amazing abt it???"
heh heh.. i nvr said it was amazing.
(man i'm nuts.. i'm talking to myslef!)
get... me.. into... a....psyco.. ward......
(woah this can be used as evidnece to put me into hospital bahagia =P)
then i'll literally be officially certified CRAZY!
heh hheh.. i just notice i put alot of "=P" in this post ...
i like tounges...
ok now that just sounded wrong.
but back to the main point.. yeah! i brought my lil wuzzie cuzzie .. (ok la he's not that small) .. he's.. from 1! /. well.. but literally small in the sense of his hight la. =P sorry dude! ... yeah .. so ... we cycled to 1u! haha it was a 1st timer experince for him.. making such a long bike trip.. (well we count it as long la.. for those dude whose cycle 200km don't mock us ok? .. heh heh jkjk.. i just wanted to say that (man if i wanted to say what i wanted to say and said it.. i think i'll be dead by now) .. but u know what.. i think ppl who can cycle 200km are really nice ppl.. =D) .. mhmm yeah... we .. cycled to 1u.. then.. we..err as usual i'll take my firends .. to the best.. bike... park.. the BMX park!!1 WOOT.. every body go crazy! lets hear some ppl make some noise!! woohooo!!! the BMX PARK! .......
hey who called me that..
but yeala.. brought that small kid to the park.. he said that it was great....
(ouch my foot's burnin')
mhmm now to the main point..
(yeah the main post only starts now)
there will be a camp clean-up (wash fly sheet, clean and dry the tents, return the QM equipment.. ect. ect.) this SATURDAY at 9PM .. er... wait.. 9am.. yeah.. in the morning.. don't come at night..
thats all
mmhmm well what a short post.. i mean.. the actual post minus the other craps
uleung- =P
Saturday, November 29, 2008
see today .. after cleaning jack's bbq pit, i went cycling .. fixed my punctured tube.. then went over to ss2 to buy a replacement 5A fuse for a voltage regulator.
we came up with a conclusion that the internet keeps on cutting on and off because the power adapter is either over heating or not getting enough power. (the old adaptor burnt because it was left on.. it became too hot and just died, so right now my older brother used a winstar adjustable/tune able adaptor/regulator .. as a substitute) so yeah ..
solution? use a voltage regulator .. and poked some holes into the casing of the regulator.. and also put my foot on top of it to act as a het sink.. (ouch yeah my foot is roasting hot now..)
so yeah! Internet here i come!..
well but live is not only ups.. there are some downs too..
well see there was a small screw which acted as a housing for the fuse of the voltage regulator.. and .. it was missing! owh man! how could i have misplaced it!?!? then later i asked my mom.. she got angry at me and gave me a lecture.. then she found the screw and gave it to me.. oO i was turning the house upside down inside out.. and she found it so easily????? verdic.. she misplace.. wait no.. she HID the screw.. hahahahah jkjk she not so bad wan.. (gosh.. had to say that last sentence.. if not if my mother read my blog then i die =P) haha .. jk oni jk. i love u mom.. sorry i got angry at u .. (hmm why am i telling the public this) .. hey hey i'm a good guy ok.. i dun get pissed off often .. =P and it was a milld piss off.. (yeah trying to defend my slef so hard now) .. well well.. right now my mothers going around telling that story.. but she says "wah GOd is so good, just when i(my mom) said that God is a god of the immposible.. and i found it... blabla bla chit-chatter-chat..." yeah .. thank You God too.. almost forgot .. gad!
yeouch! the adaptor is getting too hot now.. my foot us burning better make tis quick..
and one more bad thing... my left knee's BUSTED! gahhh! .. last night in the party jack jumped on me.. and i tried to stand up... i think i over strained it... gee i'm not as strong as i used to be (harr harr) or at least as strong as i taught i was la... so yeap.. busted left knee.. i think a tendon tore or some thing.. really irritating..
"oh God .. save my leg.. i don't want to be a crippled"
uleung-trying hard to follow in the footsteps of big brother who does not procrastinate.
12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
14Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
21The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
wohoo internets up gogogogogogo
woah ok so this is so de ja vu. typing this out twice.. reminds me of the 'Jesus saves' joke.. oh well sigh oh well here it goes.. this is what i typed out but did not save, resulting in me having to type it out again.
1st of all this is a note to myself (woah this is so cool, how many times do u think u can read a taught of a person to himself?!) man werido. ok right so yeah, the taught to my self: "crappy internet connection, owh well i guess i'll just have to type out all the things (on a notepad in html format, which i forgot to save when the computer crahsed) i want to post and then when i can post it, u guys can read 100 days wort of post in one post.. har har. (mmhmm or i THINK it was some thing that goes like that la, cause i can't really remember what i wrote, but heck yeah it was super long. i shall try my best to imitate my post as best as i can. without changing much of the important infomation..) now where was i.. ah yeah.. so sad to say. internets down.. *ucky u if i can post this up"
well referring to my last post.. (if memory serves me well, cause as u can see, i don't have internet connection so that means i cant even see my blog) i said the camp was all bad, and just totally bad.. alot of people came up to me and ask "that bad meh the camp" =P so yeah.. being a camp comandant, i have to say SOMETHING good abt the camp la. lets seee.... *after 5 minutes* ... oop .. nothing good... hahaha jkjk .. there was ONE thing la that was good abt the camp .. guess what it is... well.. its... its..... the FIRE! yes! man that was the only good thing =P jkjk (there were tonnes of other stuff.. i love u guys, i loved the campers) but back to the main part.. ohh the fire .. the last nights fire was the best! we made the biggest bon fire! credit goes to all campers who brought/dragged back all the fire wood.. thank u to the lovely ladies who climed up a mountain to bring back down some good.. oh wait no.. thats not the right word.. some really awesome quality wood. so yeah .. even sir tuck loong was surprised we (jack and i) manged to make such a big fire in the jungle. (its not that easy ok, if u have ever tried to make a fire in the cold humid jungle (or so called la) with wet sticks, man u'll know what were talking abt) its not so easy to make a nice fire there. haha kool man, just one solid fuel tablet and we could burn down a house! (figuratively speaking) but i have to say its also thanks to experince gained from the first night (yeah i also started a smaller (but also quite big) fire one the 1st night.. i manged to analyse and understand the characteristics of the wood there and how it burns haha so science? but yeah to tell u the truth, making fires is not all that hard .. really! u just need to have skill =P so yeap.. if u need any BBQ charcoals to catch fire, or burning down a house just give me a call at 1-800-PYROMANIAC .. i cook bbq's too =D
(man i just rialised i have a whole lot .. like LOADS! more to type out.. gahh i hate computer crashes)
mhmm lets see.. what did i write after that paragrah... gosh.. i cant rmemeber! owh well too bad.
MONday 24-11
the day i came back from camp. =D so yeah unpacked all my stuff (i used to leave it for 2 or 3 days before i took the initiative to unpack my bags after camps... disgusting much i know) and yeah .. haha i have all the food insde the ice box! xD ha ha! jkjk i'll have to return it.. i've got tonnes of sugar and milo and what-knots .. giler banyak food.. ok meaby not THAT much la.. but still.. free food =D no? i'll return it if i can.. errrr i meant... i'll return it to the scout den.. if no one takes it then i will.. muahahaha.. =P evil taking food yeah? gosh i feel like a thief
after unpacking and cleaning out 3, THREE! ice boxes .. i.. my.. my eldest brother asked me "eh uleung, can i use your bike" i was like "sure" .. then he also ajak me to go with him. "where u going" .. hee hee.. we went to munt. kiara the bike trail there. so fun. li yit (he's gonna get married to lydia in june!) came back from austrialia~! and yeah.. he drove his dad's pajero.. fitted 3 bikes inside it. my brother rode my .. wait actually its my uncle's bike.. liyit rode his polygon bike which has disc brakes, and lots of kool gadgets on it.. and i rode li jen's (liyit's brother) BMC bike.. ooohhh so nice. yeah so we started some where at the foot of the hill.. man even cycling up the tar road was killer tireing. almost puncit (meaning of puncit= die, cannot cycle anymore) .. but yeah we made it to the cross road (those of u who haven't been to kiara and don't understand what i'm saying, sorry, but i would like to say: u should go there alteast once in your life =D).. then we cycled up the trail.. into the 'jungle' well it was all muddy because of the rainy season, but the mud wasn't all that bad.. COMPARED to the SWARM of killer mosquitoes there.. man i could easiely say that there were abt more than a billion mosquitoes there =P haha jkjk .. not so many.. but yeha there were like 15-30 vampires flying around u trying to bite and suck your blood.. i could kill 5 in one hit! .. but yeah.. apart from the uber trieing ride/pushing (haha yeah we cheated, we pushed instead of cycled our bikes) up.. we finally reached the top.. man was i glad! there wasn't much of a view from up there.. cause it was over grown with ferns.. i've heard that there was a beautiful view of KL .. but nope.. not today... hmmm meaby i should burn all the foilage there one day to clear the area.. heh heh .. (if u see in the news papers tomorrow abt mount. kiara on fire... IT WASN'T ME!!) but yeah .. the ride up was TOTALY worth it.. because the ride down (this is what we've all been waiting for) was just plain INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man.. it was so fun . i can't describe it. u just have to try it for yourself (or meaby not la.. if your and amature bike rider (ceh wahh! too much i'm looking down on u readers) u might wash-out (learnt that word from li yit.. its a bikers tearm wich means 'crash and burn') but yeah .. for your own safety (heh heh trying to care for u) pls... wait no.. GO learn how to ride a bike! its the best thing in the world! (okla.. sorry God, we all know You are the best) now were was i.. i reamember i'm still in a bracket.. ah right.. if ur an amature don't try it, until u can ride a bike pretie.. wait no.. really well) there th closed bracket.. hmm yeah the ride .. down was .. fun.. fun.. insane.. awesome .. wonderful .. kiler.. the best (so far la) .. and just plain wonderful.. (i've ran out of words for the trip down) .. so yeah .. great fun riding de bike =D thanks liyit!
TUESday 25-11
sleapt like a pig (sorry to muslims reading this.. but .. you aren't gonna eat me anyway right? .. oops.. meaby i should have just stopped with "sorry to muslims reading this" and just closed the bracket.. =P heh heh woops.. *oink oink* i just had to do what.. man i better keep my mouth shut now) ok now that wasn't in the 1st version/post that i didn't save when the computer crashed. but owh well.. i remember that this days (i'm categorising the post/paragraphs by dates) oops sorry i left out the acrostophy (how do you sleep it?) spell* this sign ' for the days.. it supposed to be day's .. wait.. why the hekoo am i explaing it to you when i could have jus went back there and added it.. saving u all the trouble of reading all this crap.. =P hmm .. meaby i should just add a random statement right now.. that i've always wanted to tell u... i... i.... i... (no not i love u) .. i have very bad spelling! HAHA .. like u didn't know that already .. ( i bet ur thinking "whats wrong with this kid (me)") heh heh . so if u already know then .. bare with me .. ohh one thing i've noticed i've always made a mistake with -did and didn't- and stuff like -is and isn't- u get it la.. i'm always missing out the "n't"s so yeah .. sorry if u misunderstand my statement.. next time u see anything that u can add a 'nt' into and my sentance doesn't make such of a sense like if i type "my sentance does make much of a sense" (haha good example eh?) try adding a 'nt' into the 'does' .. mmhmm woah why am i giving u instructions to follow.. i bet u could figure it out some what by just skimming and analyasing right? erm.. if u don't get what i meahn.. nvm.. all i want to just say is... "READ THE INSTUCTIONS" =P man i sound like a lable on a product like a washing macing or something... "or meaby wrost"
well.. crap and explanation why i never win spelling bees aside... what DID i do today (tuesday) .. mhmm /.. oh yeah right.. my lovely tai kor (big brother) took me to sg. way to change my tires =D yeahoo.. i've got a brand new set or theads! .. but i cost RM120 oO .. not twelve thousand la.. hundred twenty.. the two "o's" behind where the emoticon smileys oO heh heh .. yeah 120 bucks for theads.. speedking 2.1 from continential =P .. thank u bro! .. but when i reached home.. i found out my back tube was punctured =( so much for new wheels heh heh
WEDNESday 26-11
ok so a phone call woke me up. ring ring "hello" "uelung where are u?? come to church sue ann's keys are with u" mmhmm huh? owh man... got out of bed. ate my breakfast.. ring ring "hurry up can come" .. owh k owh k .. grabbed a random key .. well.. a key that i've never seen before in my house la.. and was gonna to cycle.. when i just remembered that my tubes are flat.. +( gesshh .. i don't like asking my mom to fetch me around.. so tadaa.. i became a small kid again.. rode my uber mini bike =D .. feel so like a chile once more .. so yeah had the cf camp meeting from 9.30-12.45 woah i respect kaw kaw the comitee ler.. (haha respect myself ptttbbthh) cf camp is like in .. next year march and we started planning wayyyy before it.. like... i think .. super long ago...(this was our 1st comittee meeting with every minor (haha jkjk every one is as important) comitee member) we've (the higer ups) have had more meetings before this .. gosh.. camp so far ahead and planning already.. i've got to learn man.. and not plan a camp in 2 weeks.. =P yeah i'm a bad CC (camp comandant) and oh well.. in this post i would like to thank all my marcas/underlings =P heh heh for comming for the meeting.. yehoo all my members under me come.. i so happy.. *kembang edi*
"we are all one body, a body part cannot say to another "i don't need you""
so yeah after the meeting.. jack came over to my house.. and.. wee.. erm... what did we do... (OH NO .. its nothing bad) we.. we... (man i so feel like saying something gay as a prank but that would be just plain wrong) so for the sake of keeping your imeag of me good (BWAHAHAHA "was it ever good?") we.. we... erm... weeee.... weee wee this swing is fun.. man . ok i think its really late.. or someone put something in my drink at the party just now... heh heh but i'm all by myslef now... its really late at night now btw .. now where was i.. ah yeah jack and i.. he came over to my house to let me service his bike (cehh now all of a sudden i remember after i made u read all that *ahem* i meant.. WAH now all of a sudden i remember what i wanted to say after tryping that crap out) heh heh so yeah ... so.. polished his bike, strighten his rims (hey guys if your wheels aren't stight come over to me (or i can come over to you), i can fix em for u with a donut tool), ajusted his seat, lubricated it.. ect ect ect .. man do i loveee servicing/mantaining mechanics .. =D come to think of it ... i've serviced quite alot of peoples bikes now.. (cehh proud edi proud.. heh heh .. nope nope this is bad.. pride is a SIN!) so . yeah.. hard to be humble.. still trying... i think. jack bike is the 4th bike i serviced exculdin my other 3 bikes (the mini (not small) bike, my current bike and the stolen bike) .. hmm.. telling my self that its not good to be pround and still wrinting down the last sentance.. i'm not doing a very good job now am i? =D anyone needs a bike fixed? call 1-800- =P
yeah then.. ate lunch .. went of cycling again.. went to vist a friend in kj. supposed to go swimming with a few freinds. but nope it was cancled. even tought i got the notice early i still wanted to see the person so yeah.. went to vist.. (really nothing to do edi) .. but sadly sigh.. the person wasn't in.. (yeah this post is to make u feel GUILTY! fell it feeeeel it! muahahaha .. heh heh.. so terrible right me? nolar jkjk i not so bad wan... right? heh heh) but yeah.. wasn't in so i decided to take a tour around the kj 'park' heh heh .. what a dirty pond.. sigh.. a really big park tough. saw some dudes cutting down a poor tree that died. so kool the chainsaw (heh heh .. one moment i was mouring for the tree, the next i taught the chainsaw cutting it was kool) .. i should get one one day =P
so ... after the nice tour of the somky carbon monoxide filled roads.. i was home! yea! .. then jack came by.. oh he left his handphone.. then he was off to volleyball practice! .. so yeah.. i followed him.. played a few balls .. then had to go home for a surprise party for a friend.. it was raining sighh..cycle in the rain loh.. a guess what! yeah io FELL! ... more like almost died lah.. see i was cycling.. well actually i wans't even peddling ... i was going down hill realll fast.. then at the conor (the car workshop) i made a turn.. and i forgot that i wasn't on tar road but on TILES! so yala. u can guess what happen.. i must say i'm extreamly 'malufied' to tell u all this in a post.. how can a bike pro (cehh) like me make such a dumb mistake? haven't i learnt enaugh already from previous falls?/?? wet floor=slippery .. sigh.. duno how many times must i fall before i learn my lesson .. so yeah .. made a shap turn on tile.. wait WET tile floors .. man a such high speed... i overestimated my tires.. the back tire slipped and i fell.. (ok here's where the intresting part starts) i tried to break my fall with my hands.. but when i hit the ground my both hands slipped to the side too (yeah u can imeagin how slippery it was) .. haha (yeah right la i can remember i put my hands out in such a split second of falling down.. but i did.. muscle reflex i guess) so yeah my hands didn't (haha see i remembered to add a 'nt') break my fall .. and (nope my head didn't hit the floor) .. haha this is not so intresting eh? with all the brackets keep on comming and disturbing.. but yeah "just get on with it" my hands flew apat (as in they slipped and went side ways la) and my CHEST (yes not my head) ht the ground ... not just that.. it hit the ground with a big big slam! .. and yeah.. my solar phlaxes reflex .. 1st time i kena.. (oh man just thinking abt it makes me... feel stupid) .. hmm lets see how i can explain it to you thorugh words.. well its a whole diffrent thing u know.. when u talk in real life.. atleast i get to use real actions and tone to make the message get across.. but in write from.. u can see my hands waving around.. (if only i could draw a picture of whaty i'm thingking now and post it up) .. but yeah .. i'm not some novel write who can get u to even feel the sense of touch when ur reading a book because its sooo good ... (haha "tis is a novel"? yeah rite) hmm now where was i.. oh yeah.. so i hit my chest. solar plaxes kicked in (surprisingly when i told jack abt this story we could understand because he said he has kena many many times in teakwando his solar plaxes to know and rember how it feels like) what i'm tring to say here is.. for those who kena before good for u, u can understand.. for those whjo never kena before. go try once.. HAHA jkjk DON"T! this is one thin i rekon u don't wanna kena. ok back to the story.. so i kena la.. man.. i was on the floor.. (ok now use ur imeagination abit) i was lying flat stight chest down hands out after the fall.. then i tried to bread but couldn't (yeahh this is the consequence of hitting the solar plaxes) i tried and tried so hard to breath.. like a fish out of water.. but i... just couldn't.. i rolled up into a ball.. more like curled.. hands insidee legs bent.. i tired again to breath with my mouth opened.. i cant!! whats wrong with me! i could see thorugh my little eyes people gathering around me to help me out .. (or see what was happening) .. u know those seances were the area around the small eye hole is black .. and u can only see a horizontal thin oval line in the middle? yeah that was my sight for that moment.. (haha such a spolier to the mood when i explain so much.. but oh well.. the most kancheong part is over edi) it wasb blurr too .. then i tried to gasp for air.. i manged to gasp one time ... then i tried and tried soooo hard to breath.. i tought to myself "i can die now.. i know this this is the solar plaxes right. i don't think anyone has ever died because of it.. i'll get better sooner or later.. it'll get better.. it will.. it will" well.. yeah thats what was running thorugh my mind la.. i was roling around on the wet floor in that curled up position.. side to side .. left to right... then i tried to bite my fingers on induce pain .. and it worked! wohoo! somehow or another when i bit my fingers i could breath.. WOHOO! .. then after a few breaths on the ground.. i got up.. and stood up just like a perfect boy.. i could smile.. and wave to the people around me.. i tried to exlain to them.. but me being a bannana dun how to speak chinese.. say abit mixed la.. duno if pronounciation right or not.. explain a little.. then when everything was settled i moved on.. man i still had a party to catch.
took a quite bath.. was late now.. suppsoed to meet in church at 6 . now its six! .. man malaysian timing is so terrible.. heh heh (yes i'm also talking abt my self) summore i have to pick up a firend .. or .. well.. my mother as to pick him up la.. not me, i don't drive the car. so yeah i was so scared they would leave with out me.. so called up one of the people and ask them to wait from 2 of us.. took a fast shower.. gah i hurt my left hip and left elbow .. oh well.. more scars more man no? less sexy only ma.. =P so yeah went to chuch sorry friend for making u wait.. "i told him to get ready at 5.30" heh heh . when we recah chuch .. no one.. OH NO! .. =P no... we wern't left behind.. they haven't even come yet! haha! laws.. so we were early.. =D yea.. then later when everyone else came we went over to julie's house and gave her the surprise party.. partied quite long .. and yeah had a great day.. reached home....ZZzzZZ
was lying in my bed.. thank God nothing worst happened to me when i fell.. i meagin if my rib cage broke and a spike punctured my lung.. gosh i'll be real dead meat then. yeap.. GOd is good =D
ok so far.. i've got (and proud of it)
1 concussion/balckout- due to stepping on a basketball and falling faceword onto cement pavement
1 solar plaxes encounter - the most rencet yea! =D
so far i havent kena
-complex bone fracture (the one where the bone sticks out of the flesh) =P
-hypertomia / dehydration (meay this two .. almost kena but i'm a camel!) =D
-3rd degree burn.. somehow or another even if i touch really hot stuff i rarely get bisters.. i think its because i play too much with fire.. my hands get used to it.. of probebly my cells just died .. and my nerve receptors don't work anymore =P
-u want me to go on? =D
TuesDAY 27-11
haha actually come to think of it.. each day the isi is actually quite little.. its just that i add in so much crap that it looks long.. bare with me.. or just kill me.. jkjk pls i still wanna live. wow.. i'm amazed u mange to read up to this long and put up with all my crap. congratulations and hurray for u. u wanna know some thing? i have a feeling there a ghost behind me now .. heh heh no i've got an irrie feeling.. me sitting all alone downstair .. perfect time to scare me.. i use to be not afriad of the dark.. but owh.. things down last forevery.. the only reason why i wasn't afraid was because i was kinda.. 'holy' (cehh) last time.. readin my Bibile and praying everyday. i was so clos to God and i belived He is more powerful thant anything and everything not only in the wrold but even the univer.. err.. i meant spiritual realm ... so yeah .. i could walk torugh dark corridors with chest up and chin high.. well.. that was when i was young la.. its not that now i don't belive that God is powerful.. its just that .. no no.. its not doupth .. its just.. yeah seeing all those ghost movies .. heh heh and all .. a firend once told me... whem u watch scarry movies it'll raise/tune your 'frequency' to the level where u start being able.. to well 'see' ghost be it sense of what knots la. poor u if your reading this at night alone. good for u if its day time. but don't worry abt ghost! haha .. i think if ppl watch too much scary movies they get so used to it that they become immune.. no? what do u think.. or meaby they just go crazy =P
well.. ghost talk aside.. do u know why i like to make post so long? oh yeah .. haha i forgot this was actually the answer to "do u want to know something?" the ghost part i just felt like saying it for fun .. but yeah... spooky much if a head pops up from the door.. haloweens over. gahhh.. icant get to the point if i keep on cutting my self. (i'm must be crazy no?) yeah yeah... what did i want to tell u again.. ah .. why i like to make post so long.. see my memory cant last forever. so by making my post as long as i can filled up to every single detail.. i hope that next time when i'm old and have nothing to do i can read this back and laugh at myslef.. after all a blog is like a dairy (oh man why am i telling the publich this.. and stalker can get anything out of me now buy just reading my blog and previous post.. my secret is out!) deng it.. oops not supposed to swear .. so yeah.. tadaa the reason to my uber long posts .. i don't think i will ever read thins old stuff again tough =D
mhmm my brothers water filer for his fish tank seems to be making funy noises.. ghost.. =P choi choi.. better not say so much? heh heh bring it on ....ghost busters! woah woah ,.. better not say.. later they really come find me.. mmhmm wait a minute.. i'm not supposed to be scaed.. i've got the Blood of Jesus over me.. thank God! its nice to know u can put ur faith in atleast SOMEthing .. poor athist (ppl who dun belive there is a god.. sorry if i miss-speled it)
erm.. lets see what happened on ruesday.. haha get my point on 'little isi, long huraian .. (actually not much of an explanation.. its just plain crap) .. well the night is long.. i've got nothing else better to do.. all the best in reading this long post =P
well well what happened? oh yeah.. joshua chin took me out to go play blowing.. he konon-nya wanna teach me how to bolw. haha so go oni la.. yehoo 1st time i reach 100 points over! then later went to arcead play the boxing game 127 points! woot .. but use cheating style to wack wan. =P then we go play shooting games. man saw so many ppl there.. nicole ooi, kerwwin, adle, gosh.. 1U ... de place? haha and alot of form 5's too.. congrats on finishing ur SPM dudes!!! its time to enjoy! then later after finishing splunking and wasting out money at the arcead headed back to joshua's house to sharpen my gerber.. then played red aleart 3. gosh.. they trying to sell it using sex apeal? if u dun understand find a friend who has RA3 and go play it =P.. i warned u tough..
what a day
Friday! 28-11
thats today.. as in today today.. today the day i typed out all this crap. =D well.. slept very very long.. help prepare the stuff for tonights party .. =D BBQ! .. i remember we use to have it like super often last time because of my big borthers. always inviting the cf's over.. so this time.. my sister did it.. kool yeah ? bro's idea... haha last time when they had bbq i was a small kid, now i'm a big kid.. getting to join in all the fun =D .. i would like to congratulate jack in making the bbq fire! ur good. erm.. lets see what to say abt the party.. well. it was ment for the form 1 and 2's la.. we were supposed to 'ber-bonding' with them.. but sadly .. there were more morning sessioners .. haha but good job guys in inviting ur friends and bringing all the food. it wouldn't have been a party with out each of u. mhmm lets see.. i hope u enjoyed the bbq-ed food =D *hint hint* ..thank God for a great mom.. man she prepared and cleaned (eh i also got help ok) alot of .. wait everything!! thanks mom, loveu! well erm. there was rain tought.. we PRAYED for the rain.. woah.. we held hands and stretch out our hand to the sky =P .. and inkkie prayed .. heh heh u ppl might think were crazy or wrired.. no? oh thank u for being such a nice considerate person respecting us.. but we.. well atlest i don't mind in u taught i was funnny ler.. but yeah to tell u something.. we have faith it GOd!!!.. erm.. well.. the rain didn't stopp COMPLETELY la.. but it stopped for a short while... we pused the bbq pit out and cooked everytihng .. then later when everyone went into the house to sing songs .. aka worship .. and have fat-guy-ship .. get it?? fei-lo-ship.. hahaha .. "what kinda lame joke is that??" yeah fellowship.. the rain started again! woah hoa! .. to me it was kool la.. i belive GOd made it that way.. =P heh heh.. hey i belive miracles still can happen ok?... religious blah .. oops shouldn't call it that.. well.. stuff aside...let see... who else to thank.. aha the librians!!!! "huh?" yes... i would like to thank especialy wei nian .. for selling me 5kg of charcoal for 5 bucks =D . and .. yeah.. if u missed out the party.. (no i'm not gonna laugh at u.. am i tHaT bad?) try not to miss out the next one! =D
well now guys todleloos.. i'm off to sleep ZZzzzzzZZ...'s database better not crash man.. i'll kill em =P jkjk ..
uleung-we konw the risk
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
the worst camo in my life
once upon a time.. there this group of adventurous scouts. who decided to go camping in kolam air panas, kerling. so without planning.. or.. well.. with one day's worth of planning. they travers into a camping ground which was already cleared, beside the roadside, near a hot water spring. well there were facilities near by to bluff u that it was a good camping ground. but oh no. we got tricked. in the pictures they showed us, the toilet looked really sleek, but once u went in there in real life, u'll feel like killing yourself. then there was the hot water spring. which was filled with.. algea. =P sad.
well abt the camp. there were some utterly surprising things that happened. for one. one the firstday (thank God it didn't rain. i prayed so hard it wouldn't) well after we set up our morden tents. well the sun was out and blazing hot. then all of a sudden, a tent pole snapped. the tent lost its dome shape figure and became a sharp pyramid. well we taught it was normal, meaby the tent was just old. but after that tent, another tent followed... then soon after, most of the tents started breaking.. oh crap, this is only the 1st day.. our conclusion that we could come up with, the sun was soooooooo uber hot, that the carbon fiber poles of the 'cheap chiana brand' tents melted and then snapped. sigh. well the soulution to this problem (which we figured out too late) was to throw wet towels or shirts over the top to keep it cool. or we could just build a ponco above it (if there was a tree near by)
other than getting crappy tents for the camp. our equipment was ill planned too. us bringing 4 preasure lamps. and forgetting to bring the servicing box. sigh.. without proper tools to fix the lamps we could only use one for one night. other than that. we did bring cloth to oil the equipment at night. well at least we tried to have a mantainence session to keep our tools (parang, hammer, ect) from getting too rusty. so yeah our solution was .. we didn't use the lamps at all for the 2nd and 3rd night. and we took a triangle bandage from the 1st aid box for the cloth. =P
oh yeah and other than that.. i have more negative things to say abt the camp. well for one thing.. wait for the 1 thousand thing.. we didn't have a clean water source. well the river near by was really murky because it was quite low down. unlike real camping places in the jungle where u had crystle clean water. and the toilet water was just equally as bad because it was just pumped up river water. we tried collecting rain water, but it tasted like ponco's. our solution? we hid the colour (and taste) of the water with tea bags.. lots of tea bags. and other than that, we imported bottled water from outside. due to such a limited supply of water, we had to really ration the water so careful that we don't over use the water and dry out our water source before the next batch came in.. or well. atlease some of use tried to save water..
the last night was the worst .. apart from the past two days that it rained. oh man i tell u. the last night it rained for more than 15 hours. so .. (forgive my voulgar use of language) suckie .... man... the whole night was bl**die wet .. toot.. we didn't even have proper shelters... for one i pity the cooks who had to work under the super low 'kitchen' (i don't know if that place could even be counted as a kitchen) .. ouch back pain. if u don't get what i'm talking abt, u should be grateful, for those who went for camp and experinced it.. thank God ur still alive. man.. the last night was so wet and damp i could.. kill myslef. solution? a group of us went to the hot water srping to soak. ahhhhh supppperrrr niceeee... then changed into my last pair of dry cloths =D
well the bad part didn't end there. on our way back to skool we met up with this 'crazy' (sorry i had to call her that, but she said it herself) old grandma. that just wouldn't let the bus go through.. man we were so close to reaching the park. solution? thanks to eugien's mom who talked to the untie and saved our day. hmm but my solution would be to ask the bus driver to just go and park infront of skool. whouldn't that have made live so much more easier. i mean... think abt the equipment .. see we went to the park. we had to unload all the equip off the bus ... we had to bring some back into the skool (especially the heavy stuff) so we would have to load it back up onto a car.. drive to the front gate of skool and unload it.. i meant.. what the heck..?? waste of time..
but yeah anyways.. had to cabut early because my uncle was fetching me back.. so grabbed my 3 ice boxes (haha yeah and everything else in it) and went back home. sigh.. haha what a camp comandant eh? skipped all the ughh packing. =P hmmm u all probebly feel like killing me now don't u..
so yeah as the camp comandant of this camp. i have to appologise (on behalf of mother nature and fater wether) that it was such a crappy camp. to tell you the truth it was the WORST camp in my life.. for those who are 1st timers and this is the thing u experinced.. i am so sorry. but trust me, camps should have been much more fun than this .. and it will be
explanation... some of u guys might be thinking "if the camp site was so utterly crappy.... why did u choose it?" ... well "didnt u send a scout of something to check out the camp site earlier?" oh well. just for the info of u all.. see this camp site was chosen by the scouters (no nooo i'm not putting the blame on anyone) well see the reason being there was supposed to be a teacher comming too. well now u don't expect a teacher to hike into the deep jungle for 30 minutes.
well so the moral of this all.. to sum up my whole post..
sigh yeah.. so thats that.. i'm so glad the camp ended.
"before the camp started, i was eagerly excitingly waiting for it. when the camp started, it didn't turn out to be all that nice as i had expected. during the camp, i couldn't wait for it to end. when the camp ended, i rejoiced"
uleung-the wrost camp comandant.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
i'm back from camer.. err.. kuala selangor!
man being a dude who always go for camps i can't belive i forgot to pack my bag =P
i ended up short handed with alot of things i forgot to bring. (like short panths)
this camp was fun, but not as fun as camerons
looking forward to the next camp, whcih is scouts camp !
=D sorry abt the false .. err.. i meant... wrong information abt the camp briefing. i got mixed up with another camp briefing. but hey! actually i planned it so that those who came at 8 could bring out all the stuff from the qm, get everything ready .. ect... and then later those who came at 9 whould be able to do other work not done by those who came at 8.. erm.. yeah rite la.. we're a team right? supposed to work together konnonya.
geezer. i don't like this.
sorry for all the trouble i have caused.
i suck... real bad
but anways .. i cant remember what went on for the past two days. not in a mood to blog either. besides our camp booklet (which i wrote everything that happened in it) was... well we had to 'pass it up'.. so yeah untill i get the book bad.. too bad
uleung-wondering what to do for the week.. hmm
Thursday, November 13, 2008
but now the problem is...
like we really need modern tents pronto! to who ever has tents and can lend em. pls leave a comment or leave an offline message for me in msn
we really need tents now.
there will be a camp briefing in school on saturday at 9 am
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
butterfly award??
ok now see.. i've finally got the html code. its code is 's' inside the two 'v' s... mhmm i dun think u understand but.. yeah.. i got it from celine's blog.. there was one post entitled boo .. and it had a .. erm.. crossout in one part of the post.. so yeah.. just copied and pasted .. and found out the code =D yea... s for stupid =D thanks

1. Put the logo on your blog.
ok right.. i ..
i duno who to nominate worr
10 people is so many..
i think i can die just think of writing so much
=P yeah rite
to the ten ppl!
2yi jean
3bobo (actually u do before)
4sue wei
7michelle (i owe u alot of tags)
8wei nian
Ok crap it.. i don’t like tagging people. Sorry... i just find it... if i have to tag one person, i have to tag everybody =P so yeah.. i shall do what i always do at the end of tags..
to whoever whats to to this tag.
and u
=D i've leant a new html code today =D
crap this too html codes ..
ello ello ello
i have been seaching the whole night to find the cross out html code for the next post.. pfft
now i just need the 4th code.. toot what is it???/
bold is 'b' ittalic is 'i' underline is 'u'.. wth is crossout??????
mhmm i think i'm gonna follow xing yao's habbit of having two post aday.. if i can find the html code today it'll make it three in a day!
heyy.. guess what.. thanks to li ren.. our sketch vedio has been posted up.. thanks lots dude
the link.. (u need FACKBOOK to enter it. HAR HAR) .. sorry this pun was ment for one person only.. (and she knows who she is) oop i gave a clue she's a girl.. no pun intended on anyone else who doesn't have a facebook.. okok so what i betraded friendster.. =P
the link... crap facebook for making vedio watching a pain in the.. uhh.. uhh.... mind.. u have to be.. just .. so.. ughh.. patient with it.. it load uber slow like.. gila slow... thats why ppl u have something called you tube!
ok right the link..this time for real...... oh yeah did i tell u the other day that.................. =P jkk
the link : Group 1 Sketch (Part 1)
watch the next one too =D i hope li ren uploads all 5 of the performances (2 dance, 2 sketch, 1 song)
scouts camp preparation
*the next paragraph is not confirmed 100% correct, it might change
and oh yeah just to let u know.. our "scouts camp" has nothing to do with the school. this is because we don't have a letter from PPD (i duno whats that either), and sir. erm.. aiah i tell u the whole story from start la.
ok see, to go for just one 4 day 3 night camp, u need to get 3 letters done. one letter is to school (the ones u usually sign your name on), another is a letter from the local authorities (the place where were gonna camp, we need thier permission too u know) and lastly a letter from PPD (this one is important) ecause with out the last letter, we will be going . erm..'illegaly' okok now now boys and girls, don't be scared. ok lets just say... the camp is 'unofficial'. so yeah.. there won't be much failing or administrative work done if it was a 'personal camp' so u wouldn't get gerko marks for it. sad.
ok now the story goes like this. see i wasn't the camp commandant at 1st. it was actually vincent . then we wanted to change the date (from novemeber 21-24 to december???), so vincent gave me the job (as camp comand). but then due to scouter's request we kept the date back to the original one.. pttbbthh. then later the next job was to get the names of ppl to go. due to lack of time and school was going to finish soon. we had to crap out a name list of 40 bluff ppl and pass it to en. ravi (i think u will know if u have read my previous post entitled solutions for previos post/ genting)hey i'm glad now to say that we have 30++ ppl who signed up for the camp =D yea horay for u guys .. thank u.
ok now see.. after we (actually shannen only) got the names typed out, we.. (oops i meant she) wehnt to see mr ravi.. but nope now mr ravi wanted the pRoPOsAl with it.. toot. so yeah..when i went for the kepimpinan camp, shannen went to see mr .ravi with the proposal, and now too bad. she cant do anything cause.. en zul is up in camerons with me too =D hahahahhha.. (oops sorry i shouldn't laugh)
but yala.. as u can see, so much time wasted.. when we get one thing done, we find out there is anotherthing to 'add on', then after we do that, we find there is another other thing to do. so yeah banyak masa dibazir. can't u just *tooooooooooooooooo* (sensord for your conviniece) .. eh wait.. shouldn't even swear at all.. i shall try to stop and go back to my good boi =P (bleuks yeah rite la, was i ever a good boy?) mhmm yeah.. where was i, oh yeah... just tell us what we need to do all at once, and not only after we get one thing done .. pfftt
ok now whats the problem? see when they (shannen & mr.ravi) went to see en. zul, they found out must get a letter from PPD .. to get the permit.. tooooooot (sorry again) and yeah..this is the best part (or should i say worst) .............. it takes around 5 weeks to get the reply!!!!!!
gah.. what date is it now man?? how many more days to camp?? toot tooot tooooot all the tooooot
but yala.. even if we don't get the permit....
ok wait now i shall explain what the 'permit' is for... see if we don't have the permit from ppd, our camp is not an official skool activity, the ppd oni give permit when they see our proposal and all, and they think that it is safe enuf for us to do. with a permit if a kid gets killed.. okla meaby not so bad.. if a kid gets hurt, the parents can claim insurance. but with out a permit... die loh.. scouts die loh... we can kena sue.. sigh.. (to think parents have the never to do that?) ok so yeah, all our previous camps were actually with out permits.. i meant, vincent has kena hornet sting befre, i chopped my finger with a parang! and some ppl have been impaled by bamboos.. but what the heck.. so far no problem.... i mean.. this is what we live for right? to experince thriling stuff.. what does the ppd want? why the toot should we get some thing called a permit? what so we can only do stuff that are suitable for a 2 mOnTH oLD bABy??? for goodness sake..
but i agree with what my mom and dad told me. sigh. its true we can still go to camp, be we can't and must not link it to anything to do with skool. so that means it is a kinda 'personal camp. u get what i mean right? when u go camping with a bunch of friends u don't need permits from ppd. but yeah.. i (don't) think u can call 30 ppl going along a bunch of friends.. ok so yeah meaby we DO know all of us. scouts is a family right?
i just hope some noob does'nt go or we're all dead meat.. kena sue kow kow. jkjk i'm not reffering to anyone. every one is invited for the camp. feel free to join us. =D the more the merrier....................... ok now that was a lie
so yeah ...... u all get what i mean right? problems problems.. mmhmm come to think of it.. i recived the news yesterday, but only blogged abt it today, i came back from camp two days ago, but i only blogged abt it yesterday. mmhmmm i seem to be behind the proper time line.
so yeah... my dad told me a solution .. give out indemity forms.. oO haha lawls its not as bad as it sounds.. don't be scared.. so yeah shannen aka secrytary sent me an email..
shannen: An indemnity form!?!?! O.O Where the heck am I supposed to get that? It's not exactly like I have indemnity forms lying around just waiting to be used. Do you have any?
me: haha no i don't.. i'm sure they have some online =P u can get anything and everything from the internet now adays .. here are some links.., yeah... its not really excally correct, u'll have to change a few words here and there. u cant find more by just going to google and typing in.. indemity forms.
heh heh how cool is that for an email?
and oh yeah .. the food camp list is also attached to this email. .. i think the list should be corrct
thanks again
oh yeah related to what mr.bobo said in the cbox
XinG: er. u probrably snore occasionally because ur over-tired on that day. that happens to my dad. other days, he doesnt snore. ever put that into thought? lol
yeah ... thats what my mother told me too.. if some one is dead tired, he's most likely to snore. ok so .. beat me if i'm wrong.. i blame my snoring on being tired.. haha (tsk tsk its not good to blame)
but yeah.. haha hey yujie!!! wassup! .. lawls IF2(square) ar? lawls.. eh dun call him that la. so bad.. lawls (cehh i so good protecting him? =P) yeah rite.. nola he help me with the games mah.. so .. dun so bad la... xP tak akan i blog all the .... not so good things la.. i meant.. it's funny, even he himself made a joke out of it, but nola.. so bad blog something bad =P
to everybody reading this.. blog's should NOT be use to FLAME people. i mean... yala u don't have to listen to what i just said.. i just felt like adviceing u. mhmm .. i meant.. come to think of it.. every body has a soul right? that dude ur talking bad abt has feelings too ya kno'
cehh wah.. =P
but hey ... i'm not stopping u from gossiping. just telling u that life can be better with out it. heck life can be better if we looked at the good side of everyone we know.. yea? no? ... its possible
haha sorry yujie.. but eh come to think of it.. we was the one who added the "international" right? lawls! LOL (sorry this is some inside joke, i don't want to elaborate on it)
cheeken.. haha i think i've got .. erm... 10 tags i didn't do ler.. seriously got alot... (to all the ppl who tagged me before and i have not done the tag.... (if u can still remember la) than tag me again.. and leve a comment in my cbox... i might just to it =D)
uleung-doesn't like traffic jams
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
the post after i went for camp
yeah that was what was written on our name tags
ok right. the 1st thing i want to say abt the camp is.. that it was super leisure. we were really free and we had fun fun fun. there was only 2 ceramah sessions from en kamal. wich were good (i had to saysomething good abt it, even toguh i almost fell asleep). but we did learn alot of things and i repeat that ALOT! i nvr knew that there were so many procedures to follow just to hold a camp. pttbbthh. but yeah, the procedures abt letters, permissions, proposals and post proposal (even toguht they are very 'ma-fan') it is still a very effective procedure to follow and tough time consuming, will ensure the camp goes on smoothly.
"the thing/format has already been created, but we just don't use it.. how dumb"
oh right i forgot.. man i sound like i WAS supposed to go for this camp. but to tell u something. i wasn't the one who supposed to go! i was just a 'replacement' .. (haha yeah trying to make me look like a dummy) erm.. nola .. u see, liching was chosen to go for thiscamp, but she was working, so she couldn't go for the camp, so she tried finding someone to replace her (i was a MUST to find someone esle) and so she asked me, the 1st time i turned it down because i had something going on in church (worship workshop), then she kept on asking me after asking a whole lot of other people, so yeah, just to put her out of her misery and lend a helping hand, i scrapped the workshop and went for the camp in liching's place.
so yeah, thats how i ended up in this camp
but i was really great! i hae no regrats for going to the camp. well just to let u know a little more abt the camp, it was held in camerons (oh boi here we go again, i just came back from genting!) so yeah went back up to the highlands. it was a 4 day 3 night camp (i think u know all this already from the 1st paragraph right?) but the activities were extreamly surprisezingly few, making the camp a very.. ermm.. how to say.. leisure.. the activites wern't very much of a secduel, and the events that took place were kinda made up on the spot (according to weather condition and time).
well.. one thing i learnt abt the camp is that man i need to remember to bring a raincoat. if u have read my previous post abt camps, u'll see that i always advice you to bring a raincoat/ponco when camping. but this i didn't do myself. and as a result had to endure the cold rain .. for two days stright! (yeah we walked in the rain alright! for around 2 km!). but.. oh yeah, this is what u come to the highlands for, the cold harsh weather. luv it, don't hide from it =D
"well i'm already here, must as well enjoy it yea?"
haha!! i duno wether i should say this out but.. (its kinda embarassing...) ... should i say it? should i say it?? i malu to say la... aiah .. i'll just keep this to myself la. =P too bad
and yeah well.. there were other things like the games on the second day. haha played the rubber band passing game. used the hack style and got the most rubberbands over =D yeah, its good to know the bugs in all this games. okok.. its not a cheat code if u don't wanna call it that, lets just say its... something called strategy or 'tactics' =D i learnt that gan kah keng knows alot of games, so in the bus on the way back, i copied down as much games as he could tell me. GM i am
other than games the food was pretie good, cooked on the spot by teachers and the girls, yum yum. we had to wash our own plates and all. one crappy thing abt using 'camp' sinks is that it always gets clogged up. for goodness sake! campers please clean your plate and throw all solid waste awan in the dUsTBiN before u wash your fr@5!n plate .. (mind the vulgar words, sorry) .. yeah.. erm.. since it was a camp and there was no plunger to be found. mun chien and i opened the 'perangkap' oh man. so much .. eww gross. ekkk i-feel-like-puking .. =P yeah .. u wanna know something? as much as ppl hate touching other peoples food, especially if its stuck an the sink 'metal filter' (i duno whats its called), some one still has got to do it. (and it always ends up with me =P cehh wahh now i trying to boast abit xD sorry la) ok so meaby there aRE other people who alots unclog sinks besides me. hurray to you, u know my pain =P hmm .. so yeah conclusion for this paragraph is that, for goodness sake, and for the sake of the people who unclog the sinks in camps (or anywhere else) just take the effort to eat all your food/throw away the waste in the pRoPEr place!!!
thank u for your cooperation
malam kebudayaan was awesome, we drew lots to see who was doing: 2 dance, 2 sketch, 1 song. our group (munchys) got sketch. i tuahgt it would be a breeze, untill i found out we had a theam: malaysia.. toot .. haha so yeah. we discussed abt it, and finally came out with a plot. it was abt a tourist visiting malaysia and her journy inside it experincing the many various cultures in malaysia. i had to admit, i was a lil big crazy and hyper when we did the sketch =D both when planning and when doing. very sontanius. i feel so glad that finally in a camp (after such a long time) we could make a good sketch. =D but we didn't win anyway, we got second place, the 1st place winner (jessica the scandelous's group) won alot of points in a sharades game, her group was really good at guessing in the bonus open-rounds. =D once again good job munchys!
one more thing the BBQ =D oh yeah. teacher asked vincent to be start the fire, then he drag me and say "there, in budak sangant bagus" ... so scary he want to light me up and use me as a fire starter oO hahaha jkjk nola.. he said something like "i'm pyromaniac and pro at this stuff" haha i'm glad to know that my name and ability has gotten around. no problem boss. so yeah . toot i forgot to bring my trusty "pe@ce fan" and worst still.. we got no fire starters or solid fuel!! die!! .. heh heh not really la. we started of with trying to light a newspaper.. it was damp, i knew it wasn't gonna work, and it didn't =p then i got an idea. we would heat up a peice of charcoal over the stove in the kitchen and then when it was a glowing amber we would bring it to the bbq pit. so we did excally just that. the 1st time it didn't work, because there was not enough amber on the charcoal. but the second one was abit more redder. so yeah the trick was to supply enough oxygen and the anber would spread itself. so we (thanks to all the people who help blow it) blew and blew..we could see the red amber spreading to other small charcoal fragments nearby.... and then... there it was a flame! woot! so yeah after we got the flame, i just stacked up the charcoal using the pyramid style .. =D kool..
"hey guys u all enjoyed the chiken right??"-chefs
oh yeah to this camp's campers: haha remember the downstairs toilet flush wasn't working right? did u know who fixed it.............. =D actually.... anybody can fix it also wan, simple mechanics
haha remember the small paragraph at the starting? .. good for u because u read all the way down here and have not given up, i shall tell the the malu-fying thing.. the thing is... is... i snore! =D zZZzzZZzz this emote means something to me! ok well.. so.. (to other fellow snoress heh heh its a normal thing right? =P) ok so yeah.. i know i snore.. cause.. . aiah i just know la, its either ppl tell me, or i ask them, or ppl tell other ppl who eventually tell me. and yeah i dun just snore but i snore like a chainsaw! (heh heh must use a kool word to make it sound... well.. err.. kool) .. mmhm wait.. there's something wrong, why am i being proud that i snore? =P .. ok wait i'm getting sick of the word.. i'm gonna try to sure the word as little as i can from now one because i .. err... dislike the feeling i have when i use 'the word' .. wait what am i saying, this makes no sense, actually it does. =P okok right back to the topic .. i sn@^3 ..
sorry to my room mate yu jie =P thanks for putting up with it, and being bold enuf to tell me that i do 'it'. mhmm i should have warned u 1st but yeha .. too bad u didn't bring ear plugs. but there's a good news to this disgusting uncomfortable topic! (i wouldn't write something 'ugly' (duno what word to use) abt me if it didn't have some, atleast a small good point abt it now would it?) so yeah ... the good thing is.. that according to yu jie, i only snore (noo i used the 'word') for the 1st night!!! wohoo! so i meants i have a 2/3 chance to NOT do it.. =D (mhmmm i wonder if xing yao had to suffer sleeping with a chainsaw that night in genting)
XinG says:
cos the dictionary column is so tiny
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
eh xing yao
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
can i ask u a question?
XinG says:
XinG says:
why u sound so un-uleungish
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
yeah meh? haha... i'm a whole diff person in msn =P yeah rite la
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
haha nola its just some alien that took over my body
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
=P jkjk.. ok what was the question i was gonna ask u again
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
ah right
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
remember that night in genting?
XinG says:
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
did i snore?
XinG says:
XinG says:
why ask such a weird question
XinG says:
erm. no u didnt snore. but if a burglar came in you'd have been robbed and wouldnt wake up
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
=P self conscious
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
XinG says:
XinG says:
did u know
XinG says:
i brought people into the room?
uleung the GrimSapper♪ says:
ohh haha i was sleeping that tightly eh?
XinG says:
yeah. rolled up into a ball -.-
well heh heh .. as u can see i just talked to xing yao in msn and... i found out.. that i DIDN't snore~! wohoo! and guess what.. there was one thing in common .. heh heh i have found the secret to not sn@^3-ing that is..... mhmm should i tell it to you.. heh heh heh.. jkla jkla .. its good to share knolegde as the teacher won't loose anything .. (well meaby he'll lose the chance to lan-si next time, because other people also know how to do what he knows how to do) .. but heyy yeah .. don't keep everything to youself man, the more ppl know a skil the better.. what if u wern't there, and ur 'apprentice' who learnt a skill from u was present, atleast he/she would be able to help out using the skill that YOU taught him.. and when he has helped someone, he would remember who he learnt it from (well.. most probebly la.. not all the time u'll be in his mind =P) heyy its the truth
now where was it.. oh yeah .. i've already told the secret right?
ok on to the next topic.. la-de-da-de-dum .. haha jkjk .. ok la.. here it goes.. the secret to prevention is..... drink water! .. yes did u heard it right .. or.. read it right (in terms that u are looking at a computer screen and not listening to me in real life) .. wth am i telling u thisfor????? your not kindergarthen kids... ok right where was i.. ah yes .. drink water right before u go to sleep.. i have to idea how it works.. but it just does =D ............
well for me la
ok that crappy skill/knoledge aside, on the last day (4th day) we went to the market to buy some crap/groceries. so yeah .. heh heh i was like buying some flowers then waiyan said to me "eh uleung, u buy everything edi (the 2nd night we went to pasarmalam.. and i bought.. what my mother wanted, strawberry jam), i wanted to buy flowers for mom, but u already got it..." heh heh so i tell her to buy the vegetables la.. xD .. mhmm cehh got a good deal 5 bunches of roses for 10 bucks. we were walking in the pasar and i didn't buy anything because i already bough what i wanted in the pasar malam.. which was plants =P and i left the vegetables to my sister to yeah.. saw pn. err.. (forgot the teachers name) and cik.mazianah holding alot of flowers.. see them holding so many things i decided to help them loh... haha so i was carrying 5 bags of flowers, ppl think i'm crazy =P untill i tell them its not mine.
and then later we went to the.. erm... strawberry farm/nursery or something like that la.. we had to walk up a really long slope, there were alot of weird plants there, all looked deform, there were monkeycups that had no leaves, air plants that grew in mid air, venusfly traps with no stems.. all so weird.. but thats not the kool thing abt this part of the trip.. see we were bying some kinda plant to eat la.. (i think its lettuce) the one u use in salads.. so yeah we bought it 3bunch for 5 bucks(i also dunno why i buy.. just felt like doing it) and were walking down . then we were at the bottom of the slop.. wait no.. i should call it a hill.. meaby a mountain. haha nola. not so big.. okla.. so yeah we were at the bottom of the hill when vincent told me we had to run back up.. i was like "huh??" so yeah we ran.. halfway vincent died .. err.. nola no really really die... but die as in terms he couldn't run anymore.. so he gave me money and asked me to go buy MORe lettuce (actually i duno what is the plant.. i'll just called it lettuce) and yala.. so i ran and ran.... while vincent walked behind. wahhhh lau wei.. i tell u arr.. i cant run for nuts anymore.. the moment i reached up there (the place was almost at the top of the hill) i want to die wei.. out of breath and i was stomping edi. but yala.. made it there ask the worker to cut more .. sat down to catch a breath, then vincent appeared... after we got our 'order' we craked a joke abt "getting a bike/skateboard" to get bak down the hill then speak of the devil.. lo and behold.. there was this motorcyclist passing us riding up the hill..=P .. then later i was comming back down.... wahh so tempting to push the guy off and steal his bike =P .. jkjk.. but yeah.. vincet said it was easyier to go back down.. so we....ran down.. now this way too much more was easyier.. =P
but guess what?? when we reached the bottom of the hill... the bus wasn't there!!!.. in its place was another bus.. same colour same everything.. then when we went closer i notice the chairs were diffrent and nobody was sitting insde.. toooooot ... we walked around.. and wanted to kill ourself.. jkk.. then we saw sir's car.. phewh........ haha goo thing en.zul wait for us =D
so we sat in his nissan syphly (whats its called again. so weird its name) and cought up to the bus.. haha it got stopped by police.. checking the permit.. so yeah .. we changed back to the bus ..gave the teachers (who left us behind) i think its cik.mazianah ..thier vegies.. err.. i meant.. there vegetables..and continued our jurney .. i duno where
well.. we reached back to skool.. =D yehoo its NOT RAINING! woah! .. and yeah.. en.saufi sudenly he came to me and said he wanted to buy a rose from me.. oO this scean looks firmilliar.. (last time cik.mazianah bought the snowworld picture from me also .. ) mhmmm its good to buy extras? haha oh yeah.. see en.saufi.. err.. needed something for his wife.. =P and li teng aka lili wanted a letuce so badly... (she wanted to buy when we were at the slop... hill but sir ask them to go down, because the bus aready waiting.(yeah we still had time to run back up.. hmm come to think of it.. should have bough one for her at that time..)... lawls sad.. ) so yeah.. i wanted to give one to her.. but she wanted to buy it. so she gave me 2 bucks.. but heyy.. something wrong leh.. 3 for 5bucks.. one is less than 2 bucks leh.. but she insisted i take it.. so ... ohk ohk .. i gave in and took the money... sigh can't ppl just give things away for fre~... err i don't think i should be saying this.. later some poor dude come and wack me up (no offence was intended to ppl finacially set back) .. but yeah... heh heh conclusion.. its good to buy stuff... ppl really want it badly later =P
hmm. lastly i would like to thank the skool and all the teachers for making/organizing this camp. its really great for us young students. we did learn alot from it, i hope we DO follow the things u have taught us so what we may not only help the skool in file-ing/archiving but also help ourselves too.
ok i'm lazy to recheck this post.. so yeah.. crap the mistakes.. =D its an utterly long post, and even i myslef have to ready it from top to bottom, and i don't intend to. i only type what ever comes to my mind.. and occasionally jump here and there slipping in events i missed. so yeah.. use your creativity and imeagin when u read my post... mhmm abit late to tell u that eh? i should put this paragraph on top.. but owh what the heck.. if u want to imagin the picture in ur head... read this post again . (harr harr)
kk.. see ya next time.. i would nvr have taught someone could make it this far reading and putting up with all my no-sense =D sorry no pics. i bet u had to read the 1st line of this post twice to get what i was saying.
uleung-tired because of camps, but not tired of camps
Thursday, November 06, 2008
the post be fore i went to camp
erm.. yeah lets see.. what did i want to post four days ago, but i didn't have the chance to do sooo...
disclaimer: ok before u continue reading, pls brace ur self for the most boring ever post of ur life. its abt science, its only on one topic and... its really long .. (i sound so like a science teacher)
ah right, i was reading xing yao's blog the other day and i saw this post
not so helpless
heyy jin chuen and brandon, ur not the only ppl with the "rain in the bus" problem
=P well xing yao, too bad! =P jkjk
haha well well, i just wanna tell you (xing) that miss.jin chuen and mr. brandon didn't get that wet because the problem was solved.
ok for those who are reading this blog and have no idea what i'm talking abt. i'll try to explain what happened.
if u had clicked on the link to xing yao's post, he wrote in it that "the bus is a freaking noob bus which drips water." yeah. ok get ready to let ur brain remember what u learn in science) see it was raining outside, so the air inside the bus was really cold. when we were going down camerons our altitude droped and with that the temperature rose (higher altitude lower temperature, geografi) so when we went down, the air outside became hotter. having a temperature difference, the water vapor in the air began to condense on air conditioning unit. and thus, it started to rain inside the bus
okok well if u didn't get what i just wrote, just crap it. now back to the raining problem.
see in the beginning of the trip back, we boarded the bus and sat in our seats. the "chinese speaking group" came in last. all the seats were taken and there was only one seat left. it was beside asyrul. so yeah jin chuen had to seat there. when the bus journey down started, i changed place with her. she sat in my place beside brandon, and i sat in front with asyrul.
after that, the bus driver told us not to close the air cond even if it was freezing cold, or else it would start to rain in the bus.
and yeah, as u have just read it sadly did.
every time the bus turned right, water would flow out and splash my ex-seat which was where jin chuen was seating now, brandon being a gentleman, changed place with her, (imeagin abit yea) so now she was seating on the inner left side of the bus beside the window. and brandon.. (no he was not seating on the wet seat) he was smart and sat behind on the dude's lap.
so yeah. we craked up a joke that i purposely change the place and all. after laughing over it. (thank God) i got an idea.
i took out the scout rope from my bag and tired to make some sort of water "pipe" or passage that would lead the water down slowly and not splash out all of a sudden. using the water tension theory. after fiddling and finding the correct position of placing the rope. erm.. well.. it didn't work at once.
ever time the bus made a right turn, water would flow half way down the pipe/rope and the the velocity would break the water tension and the water would still splash out.
i taught i had it right. but brandon kept on mocking me and my actions. but i knew i was right. well.. sorta.. no... even tough he said that it wasn't working, i wasn't going to give up now! he can't break my determination to help the pretie damsel in distress =P(haha apologies to brandy, i'm trying to make u look like the bad guy now =P) jkjk.. heh heh.. mhmm meaby i should just select/highlight and backspace this whole paragraph so i don't hurt his feelings. ok well.. i shall do that after i finish typing this post. (if i remember)
but yeah... it worked i knew it was working. it didn't work at once because the string was not wet. the dry strands of the string prevented water from flowing along the string at first. but later on, slowly the whole string was wet. and now water could safely (haha) drip down (or soak down) to the ground without splashing out.
tadaa! (hmm should i stop here or continue)
well i shall continue because i have nothing else better to do.
i could see it was working because water droplets were dripping down the end of the rope. but brandon being such a noob. (yeah trying to make him look bad) hahaha jkjk lawls oh man he's so gonna kill me. i was just jokkin ok? mmhm i should take my own advice and look at it from another perspective. ok so meaby he didn't want to bother the dude he was sitting with and wanted to go back to his place, because.... he felt something poking his piku.... errrrrrr... ahaha .. oops... sorry i should seriously backspace this paragraph.. but heyy.. yeah... "thou shalt not have a perverted mouth" sigh... (trying to refrain myself from saying anything to do with naughty-naughty things) i think i'm succeeding... or meaby not.. well i just said something just now in this paragraph that contradicted it.. oh well. one time cant hurt? right? ... or can it... heh heh heh.. (i know, i know)
mmhmm okok cut the crap where was i?.. ah yeah brandon, he well.. err... ok lets just say. .. oh wait.. no .. not "lets just say" but this IS why he change back. ...erm... (wait let me recall what was the corny reason i crapped out for him just now)... *after 5 minutes* ahh yeah.. sorry i forgot what i wanted to type.. because i went to do something.. err.. ( u didn't need to know that) yeah.. brandon wanted to change back to (now he was gonna change back to my ex-seat. get it?) his seat. so he was going to take the rope out.. (it was dangling over the seat, so he could sit down there) .. i .. giving in to the devils temptation (i'm sorry) wanted to make him look bad. but my good side (cehhh wah) kinda muffled it. i knew he was going to take the rope out no matter what i said. so .. i trying to put my words in the kindest way possible, told him to "be careful of what he was doing".
well.. he did it...
for a few turns, water didn't drip down (man was he right???), but then ..(a few more turns later) it started again..
heh heh i knew this would happen... now he would have to come crawling on his knees begging for the rope (=P jkjk sorry) .. but yala.. i gave him the rope.. and he fixed it back up=D smart boi. the rope was up and running again (sounds like a mechanisme)
this paragraph is specially to brandon: you know why it started again only after a few more turns? it was because when the rope was there, the water that condensed flowed down straight away. when u took out the rope, water continued to condense, but it didn't flow/spalsh out because there was not enough water .. yet. as more and more water collected inside the air cond unit, a right turn would send the accumulated water flying out.
so the rope actually prevented this by not allowing enough water to collect inside the unit
oh yeah btw credits for this amazing idea goes to: 1) God... for giving me a brain (yeah , i've gotta start taking God more often and try to be holier), 2) a book (of of the millions of books in my house than my dad/brother/sister/mother bought in some werehouse sale) that i read abt "how to make your own stalactite" .. (i learnt that a thread could "suck" water) 3) brandon, he gave me an idea abt tying the end of the rope to the leg rest. 4) and finally all the prettie girls in the bus, your presence made my brain wanna crap out something smart to make me look good =P oh noo
the conclusion.. read more books (which i'm not gonna do), a rope has many uses, next time when ur friend is gonna do something that will bring a bad scenario (either to himself or anybody else)... stop him before he does it, don't let him/her do it so that u can say.. "ahahahah padan muka!"
uleung-trying to be holier =P and not get banned from playing brandon's xbox (i love u dude!)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
solutions for previos post/ genting
a great thank u to shannen kok for taking the job of finding the names for scouts. even tough u wanted to pass it on to ur assistant, u had to do it in the end because mr. ravi wants it typed out =P
a great thank u to li ching for agreeing to take the ad-board job. even though in the end u didn't do it, because yuenyang mange to see me just in time before i went to genting.
well. monday. it was truly a great day indeed. well.. there are too many things to type out. so i guess u guys will have to miss out the details..
well.. went in the bus. arrived at genting. checked in. went to the theme park. set the corkscrew.. wohoo... a hint to readers: if ur going on a roller coaster next time.. try waving ur hands in the air, and lift ur legs off the ground/floor. u'll feel like ur gonna die =P .. jkk its really fun really! just two things .. 1 don't hold anything 2 lift up ur legs =D
oh yeah did i mention. i think this is the 1st time i set a roller coaster =P
then later we went to the swing swing thing.. the one that goes around and around. that was quite fun. then later we went on to the .. erm.... (shy to say) merry go round .. =P yeah the kiddy thing with the cups and horses.
at around 12 we ate quite a good lunch at the hotel restaurant. we check in to our rooms.. i was with
then we went in to sit some rides.. like bumper car, the indoor rollercoaster. we played archery too.. well i didn't buy the arrows la. bee lee bought it, but he got too tired so i took over. haha it was a piece of cake =P jkjk.. oh yeah u know why? because on sunday (yesterday) we went to sunway pyramid for a supposedly scout meeting. we played archery too =D.. 50+ arrows each!.. shoot like crazy. so today i can shoot ok-ok ler. i told ka hou .. "check it out, i'm going to shoot my number (there was this small board protruding out)"
.. so i took my aim.. and shot it..! *pang!* then they guy come to me.. "err excuse me, pls dun shoot the numbers because got camera behind" .. oops=p then later we wanted to change ppl, let poh yee shoot, the guy come p to us and ask us not to change.. he was hinting that poh yee go buy her own arrows. so i practiced my consumer rights and told the guy that the game was bought by arrows and not by shooters. then the guy duno what to say.. we change ... so thanks to beelee.. 3 ppl get to play =P
hmm also tried outthe rock climbing it was.. okok la. i tired the middle wall, can reach the top =D.. but it was really hard.. halfway my hands got all sweaty and to make matters worst i had 1 cm long fingernails! so hard to climb but i could make it =D
off to boling. we were early so.. i decided to go to the nearby arced
went to the arcade. was walking around checking out the games. then i saw shawn there.. alone. chatted with him.. found out he was in there all along.. we only sat one ride! .. mhmmm sad.. so i stayed with him for awhile. he belanja me play some games with him. then later we went off to bowling.
went bowling. oh man. i got 3rd so close to getting 2nd.. i think szeting or brandon got 1st or 2nd.. cant remember.. =P brandon got a strike at his last throw.. so get get 2 more shots =D good lerr.. i didn't even get a single strike =P like usual.. (i nvr got a strike in my life! only spares)
then later we went off to do more rubbish. ate at kenny rogers .. mhmm jun kit joined us for dinner. the more the merrier =D no?
after dinner we were trying to plan out what we should do.. so our gang decided to go visit jia wei in wei nians gang at the karaoke room.. see there were to karaoke places.. so we went to the k-box. later found out that there was another karaoke room further away. now our legs were killing us. so we decided to sing happy bday over the phone. but we failed in the end. =P
then later we tried to go to famous amos. we ... sorta 'lost' our way, and ended up losing 5kg walking.. jkk .. we did get tHaT lost
afther our defeat we went over to sze tings room to watch some movies. man i was... err...... (let me think of the right answer 1st) .. it was good .... =D phewh... (sorry ler.. i have to say the right tings. if not, after she read my blog she kill me)
erm.. then it was getting late.. at around 11.30 i went back to my room.. was gonna take a bath when xing came in. after lying on the bed half naked and talking alot. mr. zaidi called to check if we were in our rooms.. ok right... what a good teacher. then i took my shower.. man the soap dispenser was so crappy. u have to press a hundred times for one drop to come out. blah. so i pried out the top cover and scooped the soap from it instead =P
fresh from the nice bath. i lied on the bed and had un utterly meaningful talk with xing. until he decided to abandon me and go to foong tengs room. i fell asleep
next morning i had a nice surprise. i woke up to see the most beautiful thing in my life.
went to eat breakfast. sat with hongsheng and found out that his dad is a mechanic. kool. ate quite alot. shannen dared me to eat my watermelon with marmalade. i won. she had to go get a glass of mango for me =D. sigh a lazy guy will do anything to get someone else to do something for him
after breakfast. we had an uttlerly long free time before the next scedual (that was snowworld) .. so went over to a room to grab some much needed sleep. zzZzzZ
snow world was fun! .. haha we kept on throwing ice at each other. carena was a pro snow thrower disguised as a cute girl.
hmmmm after snow world asrul and i had to wait for the photos, we were in charge of taking the orders, i took the 8R orders and he took the 5r orders. the guy said we could just wait 5 minutes end up we wait 30 over minutes! mhmmm had a good chat with him and also the photo dude working there.
we were both late to checking out. he went to the lobby because his friend already took his bag. but i taught my bag was still in the room (i did have the feeling someone packed my bad and already took it) but ahh what the heck, i felt like going for a jog. so i ran all the way to the room. to find my bag wasn't there=P. so i went to the lobby to meet them. ahh my darling... err.. bag... yeah was there. =D
we were given 40 minutes to eat lunch, but a few of us decided to wait untill we got down there to eat, because the tax here is insane! so we just walked around for the last time.
shortly after that, then we went back to skool. reached quite fast. and as usual, after every camp when i arrive at skool its is.. tadaa.. raining! (so predictable, it aLwAyS happens)
mhmm.. over all i had fun.. okok so sorry i DID write quite along post. i guess i just got carried away. sorry its so wordy no photos =P
uleung-missing genting
Sunday, November 02, 2008
i'm overheating
right i just came back from pjefc church for ur information, i witness a play by the "footstool" players. title was "crazy little thing called love". well it was good and funny with abit of touching parts. it showed various scenarios in a relation ship. among the many good plays, there was "whatever" where the guy and girl (most of it is couples) just keeps answering 'anything' to questions, "i love u more" where they try to beat each other at saying who can love more via saying corny lines, "the ledger people" where they keep scores on whatever they do good +1 and bad -1, and many many more
later went to murni's with joshua and jack and joshua's friends. after eating our very late dinner we went home
ok so... if u didn't get what i just wrote its ok... it was just abit of information abt my day.. now for the real topic of this post..
" i'm overheating "
yeap.. i've got wayy to many things to do after pmr. well we went back to skool after the deepavali holidays right? it was a thursday and i forgot to bring our streaming form (supposed to pass up today), after a bad way to start the day, yuenyang (from the ad-board) came up to me and asked me to hand some pictures to teachers (now this is not as easy as it sounds like) and by default my brain said "yes" . later i was thinking i could get the job done because i was gonna be kinda free in the hall. litter did i know, for the trip to KDU was today. tooooooot. it was "fun with robots" .. so yeap went to kdu (man i should have pulled out,and got my ad-job done) and i learnt what ever i've learnt in my lego robotics training, excally the same. so boring! a whole day wasted! sigh.
so then came the next day, ahh friday. i love fridays, because the day after friday is saturday =). but alone came with me hanging from my shoulders was the bag of burden. so many things to do, so little time. i tried to find yuenyang in his class so that he could get someone else to do the job. little did i know, he was absent today =( and alas! i wasn't in skool again. yeap another fild trip was on its way. today we went to one academy in sunway. entitle "creative minds" wow now this school trip was F-U-N-N! very nice place they have. alot of arty work. what i love most was the 6 puzzles they gave us to do. it was mind boggling but fun! they gave quite a number of actractive things =) after then en joyful time at one academy we had to go.. back to skool. alas another day.. not so wasted (meaby because "she" was there too=) but gone =(
ah saturday. finay i can get some much needed sleep.
but this is not the end of my problems. i'm holding a big job in the upcoming scout camp. and i have loads of stuff to do. one major thing is that i have to submit the names of the students going for the camp to mr. ravi on monday by request of sir tuckloong. i just remembered i'm going for my genting trip for 2days one night this monday =P i'm dead
nice knowing u guys
a wise friend once told me "do not mourn and sober in hardship, but rejoice in the good things that is happening in life right now" haha i laugh. "easy for u to say"
but truth be told "all things are possible with God"
alas if u have read this far into the post, i salute u. but i have to ask a favor from my dear reader. if u are kind at heart (and have some spare time, use it wisely), pls do me a favor and help me lighten the oh-so-heavy load on my shoulders.
if u are not going for the genting trip, help me hand out the photos and get the ad-board job done.
if u are a scout, help me get a list of names to pass to mr. ravi on monday
mhmm what else..
if u are a chirstian, pray for me. cause i need all the help i can get
tis' i'm not a lazy guy trying to give my work to other people. i'm not trying to get people to do my work. i'm just tyring to keep myself alive. and u can be sure that i will not take credit for what has your sweat and blood on it but i will give full credit to the rightful owner of the workpiece.
tis' is only a small fraction of my life, and i plead u, or u, or even u, can help me
"there are some things a man has to keep to himself"
if none shall heed my call. i shall somehow or another find.... a.... (hmm now what was that word again) *scratches head* ah yes....... i shall find a 'solution'
uleung-sane freak going insane