Thursday, July 21, 2022

hand me that cup

What does it mean for our old bodies to be swallowed up by life?

Scientifically, When our body dies, we bury/burn it and it returns back to its constituent molecules of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and all other trace elements. Just like any other vegetable or animal when they die and get decomposed.

But what is it that is different for a Christian's body for our point of view when we die? Jesus didn't die on the cross and have His body buried in the tomb and left to rot... While His spirit floated away and got another new heavenly shining angelic body...

No, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was raised back to life in the same body that was in thag tomb, wounds in the hand and feet and side and all. But this resurrected body was different from the old. This new body could seemingly teleport and phase through walls (John 20:26-27).

Jesus had achived a higher state of being. A 'new' body. And he offers us this 'new' life too. Do we need to die (physically) before we inherit an eternal body? Or hasn't always the gospel preached the eternal life is this: to know You, the one true God-and Jesus Christ the one He sent to earth (john 17:3).

That was Jesus prayer. That we would come into communion with the God if the universe. To be unseperated from Him. This physical body has the mind, body and spirit; id, ego, superego; insitncts, reality, morality; logical rational, primal intuition,...

Jesus was sent from another place beyond this earth. Sent by another from beyond our realm. We call that place heaven. Jesus was sent here to guide us. To save us. To show us the way, the truth and the light. Onto salvation. Onto the path of being one with esch other just as Jesus was one with God (john17:21-26).

Now hand me that sacrament. The Holy Communion. That bread and wine. In remembrance of Christ. But be weary, we were not instructed to indulge in taking it alone and in an unworthy manner (1 Cor 11:21)

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