Monday, August 23, 2021

hedgehog's dilemma

 heh the post on upgrading to win10 was actually my 1000th post.

what a way for it to have taken the spot eh...

to think that it would have been something mind blowing or substantial to be written out for such an 'iconic' post number. i guess not everything is glitters

today is 23rd August, Crystal's brithday btw, i didn't plan anything much.

we wanted to go to rainbows end, but i guess that cant happen now with the lockdowns

sigh NZ went back into lockdowns, COvid manage to sneak in from australia

watcching Neon Genesis Evangelion EP4

Shinji reminds me so much of myself.... "doing something" just for the thought of others.

so that other's wont need to 'suffer' or hurt themselves,

i'll be the one to sacrifice myself for the 'greater good'

heh, this messiah complex,

i wonder why i've still no gotten over it

he just.. ran away

just resigned

just... went on with being his own self

do the things that he wanted to do,

not because other people wanted it of him

the Hedgehog's Dilemma

he speaks out like that (in a un nice way)

because he doesn't know how else to express himself

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