Thursday, August 26, 2021

God is an unchanging god

 So there's this idea that  God never changes right?

but if we read the Bible, multiple times people have been able to 'change' God's mind when they pleaded with Him. Think of Moses, Abraham and many other old testament prophets.

God was like, "I'm not gonna let the Isrealites into the promise land because they keep complaning and don't trust me, even after all I've brought them through" 

and Moses: "aww common, You did so much for us already! what would people say if you left us to die? They'll say You weren't powerful enough to defeat the Amalakites and deliver on Your promise. That'll make You look bad aye?"

God: "Yeah okay you know what, only the kids get to go into the land, and the two guys that saw what was good instead of the bad..."

If God was an all knowing god, already knowing what's going to happen in the future (predestined),

why does He still want to create anything in the first place? especially if it's gonna turn on Him or hurt Him? i.e Adam and Eve was gonna disobey Him, why put the tree of knowledge and give them a command that they could disobey? Humanity was going to sin, He would have to sacrifice His Son Jesus to save us, why make humans at all?

See, I think certain aspects of God is unchanging. His reason for doing things. His promises, His character, His personality. Those things don't change.  

but humans.. humans do change

see, slavery used to be bad aye?

blacks used to be lower class that whites...

actually almost everything in the past repeats a cycle over and over again.

from good, to bad to good again

and then bad

will God accept homosexuals? hmm well in the bible He did smite Sodom and Gomorrah, but was it because of their deviant behaviours? or was it because they were just wicked

God is love right? what is the most loving thing to do?

what would love do?

Progressive Christianity accepts gays and lesbians into their church

well, some churches still dont accept electric guitars and drums

hmm, its really really hard to put a finger on whom is right and whom is wrong

but i think its not so much about saying that the other is bad or not acceptable or not


how do we all live peacefully

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