Thursday, April 16, 2020

thy will, forgive us as we forgive others

How does one balance between being
Selfless and meet, humility and authority? 
Thw first shall be last, 
And the last first. 

Christ. He bore it all on Himself. 
So that we need not to. 

In dealing with hard colleagues. 
Take the less traveled road. 

Yes seniors many always be asking juniors to do things. Thats normal. They want to assert control, dominance. 

And most of the time its because they are told to so things by the supervisor/manager. 

None of us are perfect
We all make mistakes. 

Some can be corrected, 
Some cant. 

Staying silent when youre in the right to speak and claim something. 

Out of loving kindess for the other party. 
Least they be blind and not see that the submission is not one of inferiority but superiority to give in. 

Like a dad playing like he lost when his child is wrestling with him.

Yes we could wrestle back and win, 
But where is the love in that? 

Only if the other is trying their best, 
And it matches with our own. 

The senior bears the mistake of the junior, 
Because their duty is to check on them. 

This responsibilty breeds a kind of... Distrust and enmity. Hence why the bigger bullies the smaller into submission. 

But... What if the smaller is actually the bigger. 

When did we see you Lord... 
God... Teach me to be more like you... 

Notnselfnsacrificial for ones own sake snd glory and fame... 

Because the Father Wills it to be.... 

Thy will be done

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