Friday, April 17, 2020

more introverts now adays

I foresee more peoplw claiming to be that

Its not like I'm saying anything misjudgingly...

I believe there are two sides of the coin in personalities when it comes to this, extroverts and introverts. But unlike a coin thats clearly 50-50, this isnt so black and white. With plent of grey and a whole spectrum in between. 

Anyways, you dont read that many people are self proclaiming to be extroverts do ya? No right. But introverts, yes. Especially on social media and the net. 

I remember my form 6 chem teacher's daughter qalista to be extreamly introverted in real life, but a whole different person online. 

So yeah... 


I think more and more people will become introverts. Not by nature but because of how the internet nurtures us to become so. 

We're in our own bubble. 
And aything ww dont loke is outside of it. 

We find talking to people... 

Why? Because inside us... We're dry. 
We dont have the source of life, 
That overflows like a cup overflowing. 
Into the lives of others. 

Extroverts get energy when they talk to others? Nah... They get tired too. 

Everyone gets tired,
Just like the women at the well whom's thirsty...

Yes she can drink water to quench physical thirst. But spiritual thirst? Ah

 Thats a whole other thing. 



 The life waters

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