Saturday, June 18, 2016

everyone thinks he's a hero

an undercover journalist infiltrated and went behind the ranks of a terrorist group,and this is what she got out of it:

"Everyone thinks he's a hero."

and the 'good' military side retaliating against them also thinks the same "We are the hero"

if only they would just stop fighting with violence and "listen to each other"
then, much things could be resolved.

a drug rehab worker said there was one thing in common with those whom give in to addiction:

"That they are missing a relationship with a higher power/being. A relationship that allows them to share about who they truly are"

And he was an atheist. believing that that the highest power is Love

Still seeking for the meaning of life?
a purpose? is it burdensome?

well why don't you just lay it down at the Cross.
Let Jesus carry that for you.

whats the one thing that you've learnt from university life?
"Is that we can never be too friendly, because people get annoyed and others talk bad behind your back". this was so sad to hear, life could have been so much more if this wound was healed. i guess being judgmental and condescending never really helped anyone.

whats the one thing that you've learnt from university life?
"to adapt to change"

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