Friday, September 05, 2014


so yeah, i was supposed to fly back on monday (1st september) but then thing is when i checked the date out it read 1st October.. zzz.. doesnt oct come after august??

so thank you air asia for letting me modify my flight date for a penalty, and your phone app is so consumer friendly. monday was too near and too expensive, so i took thursday.

the extra days given were .. a blessing. its like, you know those times where you'd think it was the last day you have here. but then you randomly get blessed with some extra time. in those moments, you feel every second preciously. "living on borrowed time" . it makes so much sense to know when our end is so that we dare to do crazy stuff while we still can. but the thing is, we never know when the end of humanity is.

so yeap, enjoyed lots of dinner parties, took a poor accused child swimming, rode the modenas jaguh at the max trottle on ron97. missed so many double clashed events for commitment to certain appointments. said the right things, said the wrong things.

its going out of our daily lives that we see the point in life. experience.

so for the day i was supposed to fly back,
mom took me to paradigm to hop on at RM10 bus to KLIA2. at 2.00pm cause there was no 3.30 bus as stated in the schedule. mom had the gut feeling to call em and find out bout that.

so i bummed around, went into the apple store for a while, crazy.. so expensive.

talked to some random HK lady waiting for the bus, hopped onto it just as it started to pour. owh boy.. the rainy season is here. the bus picked up some dude waiting along the side of the road, he was drenched.

talked to the bus driver on the way, he's.. talkative, and really knows his roads. took a detour to skip a jam. reached the crazy huge mall airport.. walked around.. starring at the random international people passing by. went to a book store, read "fault in our stars" up to chapter 3. mhmm john green, i remember his videos on you tube. really smart guy. a leader of somesort too in the episcopal church. and the wy he writes.. just shows that chirstians arent boring. he.. has a really amazing mind. i admire him.

hopped on board the plane, sat beside a sabahan. talked to him about how... the younger peeps want to break away from the land =P haha.. yeah sab's been a sovereign nation. for a few days. and blablabla oil royalty, IC's given out, timber, putrajaya, blackout, opposition, etc.

arrived at the airport, realizing i did not plan nuts for what im supposed to do when i'm here. i was in KL using the public transport system so much i totally forgot sabah is... lacking in these amenities. well they have a airbus, but it only works from 7am-7pm. so yeah.... why did i book my flight so late!!

i really like taking public transport nowadays. compared to driving or asking friends with personal cars to pick me up it feels.. liberating to know one can get around without getting... snagged behind.

anways, called aunt cause, she's so nice. went to her house to stay a night. talked a whole lotta crazy cool stuff with her. about how its not about preachers saying "dont" anymore but how the church says, "come share openly what you face, there is no shame there is no judgment"

thats the way to go lah. ate darap. delicious

in the morning, woke up. wonderful frech toast breakfast. do you know how nice food taste when you're hungry.. or been through it.. even char siew pow in the toilet taste good k. anyways... reminds me of how Jesus said go.. without preparing.. and randomly find people to feed ya. crazy.

so yup, went to the HEP in kg E earlier today. after installing wassap on a Asus tablet which didnt have a sim. never knew it was so funky and easy to do.

at the office talked to the maxis booth guy. he helped me fix the issue of my broadband not working in my moto g. its kinda easy, settings of the APN add a maxis on with "bbnet"

then, as i was walking to the office to get my keys, some officer saw me and told me that seniors aint supposed to come back within the orientation week. haha! must be trying to aviod ragging or 'disturbance' .. but common.. look at my face! ... anyways walked to 1B. the back way.

read some crap in harris.

walked to the front of 1B to take a bus to KingFisher.. but .. it was going to seppnagar.. and dropped me off at KF sulaman.. zz well.. good thing is they guy gave me a free ride =) then i went to the opposite side and hopped on the bus to go back down south. sat beside a dude from.. sabah. talked to him a lil bout life... polytech.. hmm

walked over to HOJ. =) ah.. the bliss

Prov 16:9
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."

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