Tuesday, September 02, 2014

enlighten, meaningless meaningless! everything is!

there's something about riding a bike that grows up a guy

you realize that all the roads are connected somehow, you start to draw maps in your mind.

cause you cant rely on a GPS... reading a map. hence, my bike riding like i'm on a dragon.. or horse.. =l

BST is selling a really nice northdace bag and sjacket with a hardshell and inner fleece

something about people who like water, and mermaids... and sirens.. and how they have such playful hearts. hence, my attraction to beaches and surfing pants.

cloud atlas begins to make sense. everything's connectected. as in.. someone else might have lived your life before you. hence... theory of rebirths and reincarnations.

"stand by me" movie is.. something you want a friend to mention to you. after waling in the dark park at night... talking and reminiscing about MS-DOS and time before smartphones.

sometimse i type out things without thinking. they aren't really true, but i'd like to think they would be one day. its not prophesying, its just assumptions. written in the present tense so they.. dont really make sense or arent accurate at the moment of publishing.

like issac asimove's sci-fi... now i see why dad likes sci-fi. its like.. dreams. that eventually come true. (cant wait for mankind to go to the final frontier, space) =D

its like, when i want to be detached from this world,
at the point of giving it up for the Lord,
then the temptation comes in.. to buy more stuff, get back into hoarding and materialism.

the ALS ice bucket challenge is waking people up. from their daily mundane boring lives.

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