Monday, March 12, 2007

camping scouts 9-11 mac o7

yeahh scout camping! woot woot

me patrol...
sivesh, shueng jian, chia hui, jin hwei and me...

woah ok lah the patrol.. not the worst... =D

1st day... came late to skool.. causz was.. "paking" bag.. din get to pack bag in the mornig cause was in skool for athletics... (what i did in athletics? train really hard.. the hardest.. spring bare footed on he ball of em' foot...) in the afternoon in skool also got training... bare footed also... my leg pain!!!!!! like !@#$ crap!!! the calf and the ball of the foot... ok so we set up our ponco... got a small bush of plants blocking the ponco...umm... yeah.. was using the sledge... and good thing i brought my glove.. but ow still hurt my hands.. owww.... well i really cannot tahan my scout shoes!!.. super uncomfrtabal.. (cause after national jam it became like crap)... hmm.. well.. that night go to sleep.. with out shirt.. cause so hot.. man.. of this camp i wore the orange panths and scout mufti.. yeah.. i could not really sleep the 1st night cause the ground never clean properly... got sticks.. so yeah.. HINT: clean the area till its really clean!! not even a small twig.. cause u CAN fill the twig when u sleep!!.. sigh... sivesh talk so much.. i took out a bar to much on.. after my "room mates" hread me taking out the wrapper they ask for it... =(.. aww so after like 1/2 bites?.. give them to eat.. then i said "last person thorw arr!!" ... in the end it came back to me.. a reall small piece .. seriously small... i was like "what the crap"... heck..arg.. ZZzzZZzzZZ

10 mac 07 (saturday)- 2nd day of camp

umm forgot what happen... XD never brush teeth.. eat breakfast.. tuna & bread.. sigh had to shared with seck wei's patrol cause the all got no food.. man does seck wei eat alot.. sigh... well.. err.. what i dun like in camps.. morning inspection!! sigh have to take out everthing... i dun ind that part.. i just mind me roommatews so slow.. XD haha.. sig... well.. then we had so shouting command workout... and then we went to play in the exercise area for a wile.. jack and me lan si!.. XD.. then we had rope climbing.. use the kow way.. XD hand grapeling up all the way.. hahaha.. i had to clim up with out sohles and one sock... XD oh well.. i meanage to clim.. so did quite a numeber of them.. haha.. great job sze ting.. u actually climed the rope!.. its all in tha leg tecnique.. well try harder li ching.. XD must be able to do one chin up good enough.. yeahh.. than after than i err.... forgot what happen.. i remeber we did back woods man... during lecture sir tuck loong told us oni can use natural recauses.. that means no aluminium.. shiiiiiiii.. crap.. fire?... no problem.. they ain't no call me pyro maniac for nthin'... go sTHiM .. pss ah yeah.. touch parang touch parang.. go high!! XD well.. got the fire some sticks poke the chiken piesces and roast.. oh yeah.. the eggs got 3 explode.. haha.. like bomb like that.... half boil egg.. i still eat.. XD haha.. then we put off the fire.. i dug a bigggg.. hole an dumped all the arang inside... then cover it upp... leave no evidence... the we had a small briefing on the next activiti.. rope thowing, tripod tieying and rope climbing... yeah.. go rope climbing.. haha hand all red edi!! we had HLANG KOMANDO!!! woot woot!!.. sigh my patrol got the last to clock 7.55 secs!! slows patrol!! =( dang!.. jacks patrol won.. cause he had quite and elit patrol while mine was.. lesser of the hard cores... then after that we could make our own elite patrol so it was jack, vin, chee ken, kwok shen, umm sivesh and some more people... i forgot who.. we mange to clock 4-5 minuets!!.. haha.. and the trak we went was hrader!!.. yeah!!... than after that another patrol went.. we could "follow" them.. XD ahh. had to do so many push ups.. =( sigh sigh.. ow ow ow my hand.. XD sir vin gave us 50 pumping!!!.. dang pro!! well then we err... do some crap eat dinner go take wood for camp fire MK then we practice sketch... yeah...MK.. sit down on the grond.. talk to nicole.. .. comment.. err.. sketch rite... thx neil for the magi mee!.. (wich i shade with may vern who kept on saying "don bite dont bite" .. then gave to sivsih he bit.. and we gave him the whole thing..hmm.. haha funny lah jun yew.. tsktsk.. sze ting say her heart beating very fast when she do her sketch.. haha... stage frieght.. XD...than after MK we had survival night.. i went in to li ching, yoke yee, melinda, may ven, kai leong's patrol.. rite.. took my matches.. =( got oni 10 and half the box XD haha.. well.. then made the fire edi.. almost went out cause we choked it with arang from the MK's bond fire.. one sir came to "help" us..liching was self proclamied "high".. may ven did a great job in faning...cook magi mee... eat nyam nyam.... go vist other patrols.. nicole.. =D heloo.. then after that we had a meeting.. share about camp.. talk was it good?.. what u like?.. when i came to my turn.. "yes i love this camp............., because got leng lui".. heh heh.. sir vincent was like!?!.. wahh teruknya. must send me to all boys camp hahahaha.. XD" rite .. XD.. tahn that night we had dutie... well.. so my pat jaga from 1-2 ... wakl around. play with walkie talkie... lie down in scouts den.. (sze ing, may vern, li ching, ect were "sleeping there..) so i lie down beside sze.. ZZz... than miss sook ping came.. haha.. XP.. die lah.. she said " hey guy cannot sleep next to girl like than wann.. what if go parents come.. what am i going to say?.. dun sleep in scoust den als..." so they took thier sleeping bags back to thier poncos.. and i went to do my rounds.. walk around the recruiots camp site.. walk behind dewan.. alone...i have no fear..i think ooOOoOoo... yeah rite haha.. well.. saw oni go 2 girls tent and there was like.. 8 guys tent?.. so sadd!!.. the recruits dang sad.. all the boys ... sigh.. become gay lah... buit i must say.. quite ok arr the recruits... than i finsigh. when to scouts debn play truh or dare with kye li.. dan she make me strip my pants.. good thin i wearin swimmin trunks!! hahaha!! XD she say i play chea.. dang sick wei sshe... sigh.. must not trun 17th Pj in to DJ scousts.. do not be sick!.. resist!!.. XD.. haha.. then we gang.. vincent, jon, li ching, ect.. talk and talk in den.. than i fall asleep on the table.. ZzzZZzz.. woke up the next day.... with my panth still on.. phew..

11th mac 07(sunday)- last day of camp

well.. woke up.. ywan. haha.. alot of then also sleeping on the table. wahh sooo cold... brr... walk back up to the pnco's with nic.. then change... in to full uni.. eat brakfast.. bread with jam and peaut butter.. give seck wie eat also.. then after he go next patrol eat some more!!.. wahh.. lampau!!.. abondon us for food!!,... for got our good deeds to him!!.. XD haha lol jkk... well... then we had some wall climbing.. argg.. use kaw way!!.. haha.. jack, vinc.. all pro di!!!.. XD wahh my pants so tigh,.. my shoe so sliprie.. XD.. can walk on the wall wann.. sigh.. got hurt my hands got scratch.. =( aww.... wahh sze ting can clim worr!.. haiz... lets gothne we had some marching flag tryout.. ok i said my persetiaan wrong.. XP.. do pumping.. then go take down ponco... err.. not efficent lah this patrol.. ZZzZZZ.. but good.. =D well.. go to kantin and sing songs...ladedadeda...." kookabura sits on the electric wire..", "air pasan malam, surut pukul lima".. "trusty tomy" ect..then we had flag break got my lencana ahli renang..clean up the skool.. ect..well ... sigh.. then go talk to people.. fui, erin, ... ahem.. so god fui take drink for me.. thx.. called dad to come pick me up from skool.. take back ice box..

now that ends my camp...

at home.......
ZZZZZZZ on the couch... woke up at 4 !! crap i missed my dance!!.. sigh. =(.. haha.. oh well.. pack for CF camp wich is.. today!!! XDXD.. my bone ace.. i'm old.. ah.. my tights so pain, my wrist got prob.. my stomac.. just a bitt. pain the rest i'm ok.. sigh.. reall busted and nailed.. phewh.... gloria is now here,.. shes talking to wai an..wahh so late at night edi!! 1.45am.. i think i'm gonna die.. wont die wann.. haha well see u there fellow campers!

signing out..
will miss u... dearly...
till the next 24 hors!

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