Monday, June 03, 2024

salty 2

Yo couz!! Haha that's great input, not many view things with exegesis nowadays.
Yeah, Synloong probably produces a different kind of salt than the commonly thought of sodium chloride (NaCl) xP

Oh well good thing we are science students!

"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out." (Luke 14:34-35)

I guess the reference to soil might have brought up some thoughts correlating to fertilizers. the mind sometimes think of antithetical statements
(What salt was useful for soil? Or piles of poop)

Jesus having God's omniscient probably could have been talking about acid-alkali salts that were good for soils.. ahead of its current time or setting... Haha.. those with ears let them hear, those that can't too bad
(Just random thoughts)

Haha yeah really such a natural thing for us to read our own ideas into things right... Everyone's interpretation of the Word is so personal yet... universal in some sense.
Thankfully we don't always have to take every word literally (same chapter: verse 26)
Okay anyways.. need some more of your theological teaching here:

So let's say... It was actually table salt He was referring to,,

----Salt doesn't loose it's saltiness----
It'll never happen, it's just not logical. Chemically it's too stable to degrade in the aspect of taste right?

So if it was a parable/allegory/metaphor.. it couldn't have been literal, but would have had something else implied that was not said?

Like if it was diluted, or mixed with other elements.. etc.

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