Wednesday, April 19, 2023

pslams 119:32

One of the wonderful things in life is growing right. We like to learn new stuff (thats why social media is so addictive). I guess one's innate goal would be to gain more understanding about the world. Each and every day, like a new born baby, exploring and discovering novelty. That's the beauty of wonder and curiosity. It inspires us to go read up about someting we're interested in. To search and search until we find out what information we were looking for, which was a gap in our knowledge base. Of memories in our mind. But how can one grow in a good way? (obviously there are bad ways to grow, GIGO), how can one ensure that information put in is good. That time spent pondering on something is of productive value. We'll here's the key. This bibical verse in all its godly truth. Seek after what the Lord says. His commands is what can expand our mind and understanding in a wholesome way. Way better than any other thing in this world can offer... Not just way better. The only way better. Wahtever the world has to offer.. Its counter to Christ. Its garbage.

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