Saturday, April 22, 2023

22 April 2023 9.00am

 its only 9 am.

woke up, lazed around the bed on a saturday morning.

read so much...

started with the Bible on Jesus beatitudes, He really liked going off y Himself into the wilderness to spend time with the Father. Blessed are those who are poor... i guess its a calling that we should..

save up fr now, and enjoy the fruits of our labour later?

then read a page from 50 spiritual classics. on Black Elk.

then Earth is Hiring by Peta, about breathing, ayahusca, vibes, circulating energy, play and such,,

then DK downloaded books... on REligion, Money (personal Finance)..

much of Finanacial literacy I've thankfully read about in the past few years since coming to NZ. i think it sort of started when i started earning my first real pay check...

golden rules: spend less than what is earned.

pay yourself first, into the savings account

pay of debs (thankfully i have none because i dont even have a credit card o begin with)

going to get an AMex from work soon tough.

but one thing that as sharply risen is the ouse rental.

we were at 160 per week, jumping up to 540 now. but we've got our own place. two rooms, a nice kitchen and bathroom for our self. no need t share with other housemates.

ah the joys of having one's own place. however.. it comes at a cost...

earnings about enough to cover... 4k per month. about 2200 is for rent. almost half . gosh.

how will it be possible to save 33% for personal savings now..

i wonder why money was such a taboo topic.

like.. we're so.. scared to tell others how much we earn or spend.. like its such a personal mater..

is it for the fear that what others will percieve us?


owh well...

i'm also looking into using one note as PKM (personal Knowledge management) tool...

gotta start loging down my thoughts digitally, not just on the blog. or notepad.

well thats done for the morning. its rianing now, cant go for a job.. maybe just do some yoga and weights at home. haven't eaten breakfast either yet. but feeling quite alive..

feeling alive. ah yes that is what life is for..right God?

in a few weeks time, about 5m ore weeks... we're gonna bing another life into this world.

wonder how mch life will change with a new born baby.


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