Sunday, March 19, 2023

the wonder of curiosity

Wonderful how wonderful,
The limits of my understanding and imahination, 
Never have i known this, 
Never could i perceive. 

How wonderful, 
How glorious, 
Beyond my mind's capabilities,
Current, past or future. 

Grow me, Lord, 
There is no other way. 

Like a baby learning to talk, 
Like a child learning to walk, 
How did i loose that wonder of the world.
How did my sense get so dull, 

I used to look at the world with amazement in everything, 
A chance to learn something new everyday, 
When Lord did i loose that and become old

When did i grow so old, 
I've forgotten how to grow. 

Just like a child, 
Juat like a baby. 

Teach me Lord
Once again

The wonder of curiosity. 

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