Tuesday, March 28, 2023

hopeful Risk

If there was ever a mottonto have the word Risk inside...

Calculated risk.. 
Risk analysis... 

I remember Jia tern having the saying "no risk, no life". Only when i dabbled in investing financially did i keep hearing this: "investing involves risk, bla bla bla".. Learnt alof of financial literacy from Sharsies podcast.

Risk... I never really used the word when i was young. Never did seem.. Christianese

Risk.... Focus
Everything in life.. Is.. A risk. 
Every choice.. 

There has never been any certainty. 
If there ever was, it would just have been a figment of our imagination. 

Only onw thing is constant, Christ. 

"the only constant is change" 

Risk, swat analysis.. 
Risk... A board game. 

I risk my life for You. 

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