Sunday, April 11, 2021

the law against suicide

Why do governments have laws that prevent one from taking their own lives?

I'm not suicidal or for euthanasia or pro-choice or anything like that. 

But it's just a random thought. 

Yes when i was younnger I'd argue that suicide is a sin. God forbades murder, even murdering yourself. And that good people make laws that are meant to protect society from becoming dysfunctional, even when they (the common people) dont understand fully why. 

Well, take for an extreme example if everyone killes themselves, there would be people lwft to govern.

Going slightly down the scale, if people could kill themselves when they felt emotionally down, which is temporary... There will be no law to prevent them from doing so and staying alive to the next day.. Which could be better.

And people, especially if they were thought "owh, feel free to kill yourself". What wouls young immature teens think about that? Especially when their self-worth and identity is so shaped by social media and the likes of 'friends' 

Well maybe make a law akin to drinking or smoking... Above 18 or 21, as if every person's brain matures according to a physically set chronology...

You can take your own life when you are an adult and have reach the 'age of consent'. Haha... Better not be any stressful jons out there... Bosses might need to be more humane and ethical and really caring.... Or they'll lose alot of employees 

Well.. Think about that... A world where nothing would want to make you commit suicide... Not because you're prevent from doing it legally... But because... 

Life is.. good

That's what lifs would be without a law to prevent suicides 


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