Monday, April 12, 2021

coding philosophy

 so code is basically like maths right,

you'll have functions, variables, arguments,

plus minuses multiplications...

what if one could program out philosophy?

using the names of philosophers, their main/core ideas, worldviews, questions and plans...

hmm sounds like a giant mind map actually.. eh.. isn't that what coding is! a mindmap 


Plato = socrates + aristotle

kant = ...?

the empiricist and logics, the romantics and aesthetics,

the communist and democrats, economy and religion,

all mash them up into a code.... how cool would that be!

maybe... one would see what worldview really encompasses all when it's all been laid out in relation to one another.. like.... woah..

is there really a final general equation to all this with ... and answer?

or is the answer just a function, and the results are actually just relative to what inputs we place into the variables..

no somethings dont change do they...

some things just dont

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