Sunday, January 17, 2021

selfish selflessness

There are two kinds of people.
One that help others without expecting anything in return. 

And one that helps for selfish reasons. 

Some people have a worldview that every person in the world is actually selfish, that theres alwaysba hidden intention to any help offered, big or small. I don't disagree completely with them if they hold this view so strongly. I belive everyone is born selfish, as evident in a baby or child. They only think sbout themseves and self preservation. Milk, toys. Leaening to 'share' is probably one of the hardest lessons

Coming to selflessness and true kindness. Gratitude, generosity, and just a heart that blesses. 

Can a person like that exist? One that gives without expecting anything in return. Genuinely. 

A person that helps for the sake of helping and nothing else. Because thats in his character to do so. Its who he is. 

There is no hesitancy or feeling of obligation. No hint of resistance or pause.

Yes i believe there is only one person that truely has that, Jesus. 

And the only way we could be that charitable is by His power. The Father has to give and grant it to us to do so. 

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