Thursday, January 07, 2021

I'm not rich enough...

I used to say money isn't the most important thing in this world (dont worry, it still isn't the number one)

But with that saying came a mindset that money wasn't really important in any sense (which is obviously not true)

Not like i never appreciated or been grateful for what is, but maybe i took for granted the providence

Like isn't it normal for a child to ask of a father, and the father lovingly gives what he knows to be good to his beloved child?

And wouldn't a father want to give if he could, wouldn't it be abnormal if a son refuses to ask or accept the good gifts a father wants to give, especially out of proud arrogance?

(just to make things clear I'm perfectly okay with my dad, haha.. Its just a thought experiment I'm getting to)

So many people i meet here in NZ on the working holiday dont have that same mindset..

I mean, i dont blame them least i be condescending. But like... money is such a big deal, as if life revolves around the dollar sign..

Maybe they were not so blessed, childhood gorwing up in certain family conditions and such.. But don't we get to choose how our relationship and feelings towards money would be when we are adults?

I've met people whom are contented, whom dont say "I'm poor and need to work more" (so so so many people say that when they're not!). I've also met others that keep saying that...


Well God really talked alot abt money in the Bible didn't He.. I guess without Jesus... Really the only other god to live for would probably be that..

Gee, dont know why i feel so frustrated, so.. judgy...

Anyways.. Yeap..

Like you said contentment is key

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