Wednesday, May 20, 2020


there was a moment where i found it hard to consolidate what Ravi's story was with how my dad recalled the account. To a point where i almost became disillusioned of how much i could believe what i heard or read in everything else that followed... if i spoke up, would it discredit another? if i stayed silent, was i hiding a truth and being proud of a lie being perpetuated..

then i realised i'd miss the point, it was never about any of these men (include myself) getting anything out of it... it was always about God getting all the glory at the end (and begging) of it all.

just like the textual criticism of gospels, there are and always will be variations, nothing (no-one) really is "perfectly" in agreement to another least it ceases to be human (imperfection is an unavoidable sign of being one)... but at the end of the day, what was the intention

the video recording, the document.. the stories shared from one generation to another, maybe it's a lil clearer now since it all occurred during our lifetime, who knows what it'd be told like in the future...

whatever the story, it was never about the followers, for what they had always wanted was to point to whom they were following.

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