Saturday, May 09, 2020

being kind, being strict

Being kind is one thing, being strict is another.
Emilyn's mother told her this when she was young: something about being correct at work, or taking care of relationships in the household.

Haha cant really understand chinese? 

Grey said this in English:
"The way you say a message, 
Make it open for discussion, 
Not closed for criticism."

I guess if theres one thing:
The way we say things shouldnt be sarcastic? 

Make it clear, 
Not a personal attack. 
Not emotionally written. 

Address the issue
Identify the problem,
Present a solution, 
Be open to suggestions.

Be empathetic, 
What would you feel if you were in the other persons shoes? 
How would you like to be spoken to? 
Set up the listener's heart to be open for taking in criticism, knowing this will help them imrpove to be a better person, and not just to make them feel bad.

Timing. Tone. Choice of words. 

Speak personally first, before in groups. Especially if theres a supervisor inside. 

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