Tuesday, December 10, 2019

25 November 2018 10am
Revelations 16:15
Do you have your clothes on?

Spiritual garments
1. Isiah 61:10 - garments of Salvation, robes of righteousness.

New creation, Old has passed away all become new from the inside out.

The language of the Bible defines us.
The prodigal son. Like a pig. He is a son. Not a slave. There are rights and privileges given to us, because of 'relationship'. We serve Him, with eh right mindside. Because we love Him, He is wonderful, He...

The best robe. The kind worn by Kings. King of Kings. Revelations 1:6 we are Kings and priest. We are Kings.

He tells us how to operate under Him. He directs us.

A garment of praise

Ephesians 4:22
Put off the old man, Old lifestyle
Put on the new man, new creation

When you read the Bible
It changes the way you think about things
And when you think about things
You act upon those things

When you think about something long enough, 
You want to do it

Change the way you act
Spending time in the word renewing your mind

Philippians 2:12
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 

The fact that you have a desire to change, is a fact that God is already working in you. 
He wills in you, he enables you. As we yield to the Holy Spirit that is in us. 

4. Ephesians 6:10-18
Spiritual armour

5. Luke 24:49
Endued with power from on high
Live the way you ought to live. 
It will bring confusion if your lifestyle doesn't not line up with God's power in our lives. 

Dump 2 16 dec 2018

You have wearied the Lord with your words
How have we wearied You?
Ingnorant of their sin.
Everton who does evil in the sight of the Lord, and He delights in them.
Look at the bad people that are prospering and getting ahead. Look at global issues, local issues. Right up to our own lives.
God where are You? Are you confused?
Did You stop caring.

This issues will overwhelm you and make you depressed.
State of apathy, state of stop caring.
Accusing God of neglact

The israelites were waiting for the coming of the Messaiah. Deliverance of the state out of brokenness. A political and military power again.

God's answer to them:
Behold I send my messanger
1. John the Baptist
2. Messenger of the Covenant: Jesus Christ

Don't despair. The day is coming, are you prepared? Uninformed about the way He moves.

2 pictures : a refiners fire and a fullers' soap
Put in the rocks beaten and thoroughly cleansed
Washes you and me, whiter than soap.

Only the blood of Jesus could wash us clean.
He had to beaten, whipped, crucified with a crown of thorns... So that His blood would spill and we be clean. Its not a physical issue, it's and issue of the heart.

Refiners fire: a reflection of himself.
Love, joy, peace.

Malachi 3:5 - judgement
Either to the glory of God or to his own despair.
Are you sure when i come, are you ready to face me?

One day I'll come, but before that I want to fix you. I want to get you right.

Advent, are you prepared? Your hearts, to rightly received the word of God.

Two areas of preparation
1. Giving _ Malachi 3:6-7
A God that does not change. God has already walked with them 1500 years. But Israel is still.. Disobedient

He was so faithful...

Malachi 3:8-9
How to return to you?
A simple fact to show that you have
Will a man Rob God?

Giving reflects the heart of the Father
God the Father gave His best: His only Son, Jesus.
Prepare your hearts by cultivating a generous spirit and a giving heart.
Jesus gave Himself up.

Preparation is so powerful
Giving shapes our heart in a way nothing else does.
It is cultivating...

*Our serving*
Malachi 3:13-15
Your words have been hard against me
How have we spoken against you?

No point serving you,
What's the point?
What difference does it make
There is no profit in serving you
Why go around mourning

Wii.fm - "What's in it for me"

Give of ourself for the benefit of others.
God tells a story. The book of Remembrance
There was this group that got together that Feared Him

Righteous - one that serves God
Wicked - one that doesn't serve Him

Serving reflects the character of Jesus Christ

9 Jan 2019

1. I want to learn more about Christian leadership through Eagles Organisation

2. I want to get to know people and be apart of the larger community of Christians with a Kingdom mindset.

3. I asked God about joining and committing, and He spoke through a verse that day.

16 Jan 2019

We are shown patience by God so we become. More patient.

Jan 2019

1. Vision: what is your end goal. What do you want to achieve
Not how much I have and how far I can go. I.e. How much resources I have.
Everyone can implement, but not everyone can achieve what you want.

Gray seat, great people. Don't need to invest in the white seat.

How do we... What is the strategy.. Then only count money. What you want to get at, then only plan back words.

People and processes.
Content plus resources.

We know what we need already,
So we raised funds.

Have a vision,
Know what you need,
Then plan backwards.

2. Moral leadership
If your leading an organisation that didn't pay people, people aren't coming to work because of the payment.

Copy and paste in excel sheet error.
How do you deal with it?

My frist reaction: let us not tell anyone.
So memalukan. Tony pua said: karpa song and Kim kit siang have ready decided we will tell the whole world. We will be clean to the people.

"this is the kind of leadership that will. Make me stick to the organisation"

If its a organisation which is not beneficial, pays well, etc... What will make people stick is moral leadership.

let us out up the best of us, but if it's not the true one. The moment you do it, the members become demotivated. People follow you because you do what is right.

When the leaders do not do what is right, the people that will follow will do what is not right.

Cna aply it in real world?

3. Core team
How a motivated team cam reach an extraordinary goal.

Small group of people to achieve big things.
Small group of committed and passionate people to achieve that goal.
Many things she wants to do. Inexperienced. How to start?

1st month: understand the thing
2: who are you going to bring into your core team
Rain or shine they will come to you.


After three years. If people describe you in two sentences what do you want to achive.

What is the priority. Say that thing. People only remember a few things.

What is that two things?

Everyone has 24 hours, you can't walk directionless.

How do you lead people older than you?
Realize your weaknesses. Secretary General is 60 years old. How will he be convinced that you can lead him? Competency is important, you need to know your stuff, nothing beats hard work. Continuesly read and talk to experience people in the sector. High ranking people, listen attentively. If there is one thing you want to make a change, what would it be? What they say, what words they use, their jargon or the sector. The one thing that everyone say you must do, is probably it.

Confidence and competency.

There is no free lunch. You have to know your thing. Read.

Apear as inexperience,
But not incompetent.

You can learn.
Lynas case. Remove the waste from Malaysia.
Listen to everyone then go for holiday. Your mind gets clear. Tommy Thomas. Made a decision but still need to consult people. What is the effects of that decision.

Chief secretary: "are you sure you want to do this?"

He advise truthfully from his heart. In civil service they normally just execute it with out thinking about the effects to the one that gives him a command. Change from someone whom.. To someone that respects and cares.

Competent. Work extra hard. Listen.
To ideas. Not the smartest person in the world.
The wisdom in the many is important when you want to make a decision.

Alot of reforms that people think is impossible.
That people embody the vision. Own the vision. Go the extra mile. Go above and beyond.

A team of people that are passionate and better than me. Lauch the road map, the framework.

Win the trust.

Vision without execution is hallucination.

Q2. How do you make decisions.
What am I in this position for?
Who am I making it for.

So many people to listen too.
Core team
Subject matter expert. They are conservatives
Framed in this way of thinking.
Extreme views. NGO. Ideals.
Experienced people view.
Political people: Tony Hannah..

At the end... Follow my heart.

Mechanistic ally. Cost analysis swat.. Blablabla...
But at the end.. What is the right thing to do.
What is a win-win situation. It was not a majority view. After I made the dicision.

Democratic, affliative..
Authoritative. Not ego, but conviction of the heart.

Small decision, ask experience people. Others read for you, and you trust them. Decision that don't affect everyone, that can reverse.

Q3. How maintain unity.
Core values. Centre-left. People will stand together and make it.
Organisation moves when the leader makes the call after consulting the grassroots, that they are listened too and not disconnected from them. Preach the dicision to the group people before..

I.e. Dicision to split with PAS. Will lose power.

How to adapt back?
It takes time.

The cooporste culture. More respectful to the boss. Reverse cultural shock. Accept and enjoy the country again.

Q4. Who is the one that impact the most.
Parents. Pastor. Party members.

Tony, Hannah, Thressa.
Lim kit siang. Person if strong conviction. Party decision. If he is going there, then we should be going there. Moral leadership. If I don't know if it's true or not.

I do not know anything, but I know my leader.
I follow him.

Q5. Political and spiritual.
Church: where sinners gather. Politics: where sinners gather.

Handling people. Everyone handles people.
Sinners leading sinners.

Leading imperfect people.
Make decisions on conviction. It does not deviate from spiritual. Live a life not double sided. That is right, pleases God. Not pleases people.

There is not sacred, secular devide.
Integrity, excellence.

Decisions that you make in a party carry a moral element. Don't compromise your integrity. There will be people that disagree and don't like it.

Malaysia baru.
Q6. How do you deal with the people under you. A comfortable organisation into something new.

Quick wins. Small wins. People will get motivated. Let's do a little more.

Lets wait until mxt year.. Financial not in a greement. People don't believe that it'll pass. Pegawai change. They can change it. Next week we get it pass instead of two years.

When people gain confidence, they want to do more.
Recognising their contribution.
Create a competitive environment, based on merit.

What drives you?
The vision, know what you want to achieve.
Remember what the Bible says. The talents. What do you do with what you have.

How do you be a good and faithful servent if you don't do what small things to the best you can.

Sometimes it's not motivation. But move too fast that the people behind you can follow. Can they see it too and belong?

Move from leaderships position. Into permission... Into production.

Think big, but start small. Then you can build deep.

Q7. Disappointments.
Don't work when nobody is working, because nothing is productive.

You will get sad. Hobby. Remember your vision. Who placed me there? God.

Don't di many thiggs to deal with disappointments.

Q8. Senior leaders to you, if they make a morally decision wrong. How do you follow?

Subordiance. First, listen to them. Understand if it's wrong. Don't make the division then. Constituency. Give me two days..

Peers. Close to me, talk to them, listen. I'm a selfish person. If I know they won't listen to me, then I will save my gas. If its really wrong. Go to macc. Some ministers know their ministries better. So how can I tell them they are wrong.

If PM, don't.. Openly disagree with them. I want my team to openly debate. But in Asian context like or don't like. If you say it, he is going to close his heart and mind. Express a little concern. Can we delay the meeting. Speak to them personally, speak to those closes to them.

Don't let them loose face.

Q9. Government has limited resources.
That's just to finances.

But there's networks, connections.

If you tell them a solution, they will tell you the problem. So....

Give them the problem, then people will give the solution.


19 Jan 2019

Private public partnership.
Comit sharing of savings.
Enerygy efficiency goal.

Finance by: bank
Because of the government backing.

Think creatively.
Easier for minister to do it than civil sefvants to execute it. As a subordinate you need to find a way to lobby the leader.

Peace. That burden to be somewhere. Didn't heard God's voice. Try to hear God's leading thorough leaders and pastors.

Conviction not

Is an open door. Things just happen. God open. If you become a ministry or is from God, and of our from God take our with faith and do it excellently. Get yourself busy and be prepared.

Q10. Background. Empatieze. Go see chief minister. Even if it was a private trip. Good thing I change clothes. Sensitive to their needs. Baju luring. Malaysian politician. They want to see you are a part of them. How you dress, will portray. Who you are.

Dressing alone alot edi.

Racist. Framing. How do you frame the discussion. Economic on the race and religion lense. Don't fall into the frame of the enemy. The perspective. I focus on delivery. Noises instead of voice that will bring the country forward.

Q11. Which character. Moses. I thought we won't rezch the promise land. Esther, that position, what we should do. Ezekiel. Different times, different biblical characters in spiritual life.

Science and tech, we don't focus on particular fields. What is strategic for the economy of the country. Tangible. How to commercialise more tech.

Climate change. Its happening. COP24.

Q12. Your so successful. Politics is temporarily. Its just a responsibility. Entrusted. It'll pass. What to improve on, EQ. I'm an impatient person, it's my character. When I'm angry, I eat chocolate. I'm angry at this character. I send my staff to them. Prepare them to see me. Working on Patience. Long meetings, long winded.

I must be a good person. Let the staff do the dirty work xD

Confidence, build or natural? When you know your thing you'll be confident. Public speaking. She couldn't do it back then, two weeks before speaking cant eat. Speak and repeat then you get better. Practice more. Problem with malay, Chinese... And English. So she go kampung speak more.

Hobby. Something you do natrualy. When you're free do will do it wan. YbY is holiday, the beach. Reading, watch TV. 1 two days off, she go beach. Clears the mind, can make better dicisions.

Q13. Regrest or failures.
She can't think off anything her head now.
Didn't spend enough time with her late aunt.
Passed away a non believer.

Make dicisions: will I regret.

Bee Hong.
Brought youth to the parliament. Life change. Feedback. How do we move forward. Not being able to express or advocate what we believe in. Thought to listen to authority, without questioning.

Critises and analyse.

How to ask the correct question and look intelligent.
I just like making jokes. Cheeky person. Depends on my mood. Leaders need to ask questions.

4W. Quite helpful. Ask the process of it. Meticulously in asking. Must do your homework. Processes are the same.

Normal meeting: so this is what we're doing and how and when? When can you come back to me.

What is a good question to ask?

If you don't want to answer, stick to not answering.

Q14. How to balance. Time. Priority.
What is the one thing you do, other things don't matter. Task, urgency and critically.

Urgent: time
Critical: importance.

Q15. Two years 5 years 10 years plan.
A reshuffle. How do you see things down the line. Set it in a way that is not reversible. An ecosystem. It's uncomfortable and inconvient to do. If it's easy to reverse and change.

50 years goal. 28 open day.

ADUN. Counselors. How they get things done. High performing. Engineer. Approve.? He likes to bring down other people.. Shot-stirrer. He is very toxic. Keep on saying want to quit and resign. Gave up on him. This person bring negative spirit to the team, effects me emotionally. He want to feel importance.

I regret not doing it much earlier.
People whom you know you should kot be a part of what you do. You should remove them immediately.

There is no one that is indispensable.

Talk to him. Understand the situation. Curable? People have weaknesses. As a leader help them. If they forever cannot change.. Cut them off.

Cut the tumours off.

27 Jan 2019 this is skyline

This is skyline
2001 planted in Pacific sutera by SIB likas
2002 moved to sutera
2004 got long term leash from Dk. Edward.

God is calling us to change the spiritual skyline of KK.
The sky is the limit
A book John maxly.

What is our vision?

We are not marking time
We are clear where we are going
We are clear what we are doing

Our culture. Same hosuehold

Love God,
Make disciples
Transform communities

Based on great comandment and comission

How love God?
Worship - passionately
Lives - excel in families and workplaces.
Loving this house.

The imperative is not "go"
But "make disciples"

Growing new believers to fesciples that serve.
A growth track : faith factor 4 weeks (rebrandong of: new life) , discipleship track

Crossover: 1 day (previously encounterday)
Baptism: 1 sunday

Rhema school: ongoing... 3 years.
No reason to not go to a bible school.

Serving regulars
Serving leaders

Mentor and mantee, 2 years.

A. B. C.
AUTHENTIC: know the word of God and live by it
BROKEN: humble, live under Christ as Lord.
COURAGEOUS : learn to trust God in faith.

Whar types of communities are we seeking to transform? We have SIB roots.
1. The poor in interior
4. Next gen - schools
5.the work place

Swvwm diato
@ = we sacrifice (time, mkne

We kneel
We. Yahoo!
We love

Our speakers inspire too
Never give up because God never give up on us
E-culture : we encourage, equip

Our faith,
What do we believe
Not a cult. He doesn't sign any cheks

Statement 1-10
We believe... In the trinity

One sentence
Vibrant, current, intergenerational, Malaysian church.

This is a happening church
We don't belive in wasting your time on a sunday
Not that you come out of habit
You have a purpose, grow closer to God..

How to maximise your spiritual growth
5 things to do
1. Sunday celebration - is about being together
2. Cp8 -
3. Connect groups
4. Desciplebgrowth track
5. Serve

Ownership of the church

17 Feb 2019 ppbc

3 keys to spiritual success - Gary soon, PPBC
Proverbs 3:7-10

True wisdom, in the Word of God
Nature of knowledge.

Church theme is Ascend

1. Humily
2. Holiness
3. Honor

V7. Do not be wise in your own eyes
A) pride is the first step to a downfall (porv 16:18)
-sometimes we think we are so good at doing something, we forget God is the one that enables us
- self conceited. Don't give attention to instruction and improvement.
- become hasty in judgments and over confident, doing whatever you want without seeking God. Even in matters of importance, not asking for advice.
- guard against the fascination of novelty, I.e. The Internet.
James 1:5 - worse sign: neglecting to ask the council of God.

:) consider the humility of Jesus (Phil 2:5-7)

2) holiness identifies us as Christians
I) fear the Lord and depart from sin
Romans 11:20 - do not be proud/arrogant but tremble.
Nehemiah 5:15 - out of reverence for God, I did not act like the others did
In all our dealings, make sure because God sees us, we are mot doing anything in private. If we have healthy fear, we will do what is right.
ii) reverential trust in Him
iii) we recognizer the Holy life of Jesus as our example.

Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. With the HG, we can understand better.

When sin comes into play, it is harder to be intimate with God.
What you say to others makes alot of difference.

3. Hornoring God in Giving, increases His blessings.
i) honor the Lord with your wealth. With the firstfruits of all your crops (v9)
-put your money where your mouth is
You cannot give leftovers
-Not how much money I give to God, but how much of God's money do I keep for myself
-The amount is not important, its the heart. Remember the widow with the two coins.
- even when you don't have enough
- don't steal from God

ii) giving teaches us the joy of living by faith
a) fear says "I am afraid to give"
b) faith says "I'm so blessed I can't withhold"

Health: the physical benefits that flow from being right with God
1) we are able to forgive because we have been forgiven
2) we can stop worrying because we have learn to trust God
3) we find real joy because we walk in God's eill
4) new life in Christ kmrpives health in both body and soul

When God calls you, do it

Reputation for good judgement
Pleasure, peace, protection
You are not against God
God's favour is with you

No life is so sinful
That God cannot turn around

Proverbs 3

22 march

Social media does impact our patience,
How things become faster and faster

Patience correlates with how fast technology is

Less patient to the ones we love (graph)

No matter how slow you walk,
You will arrive

28 March 

Love yourself before you love others
Half truth
Who loves us
If we love ourselves we only got so much love
And when we use that up, how can we love others?
We need the source of love

4th july

1 hour
6 grams of liquid

White coat
Start at head
The bald part
Dip brush, press side to side
Use back of brush to comb over
Holding hand not pressing down
One two three hold


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