Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mt. SAINAI III. Elijah. Ps yew meng. PPBC. 1 kings 19

1 Kings 19
Our greatest Attack may come after our greatest Victory.

V4: we can all face discouragement. The one that saw fire come down form heaven, raised the dead, call rain down, etc...

Greatest lies: once I become a Christian is that we will never face tough times.

The point is not just to go into it, but through it.

Elijah had an expectation

That Israel would turn back to God after seeing all the miracles.

When you have an expectation and it does not take place.

Unmet expectation

Arise and eat

"Hope differed makes the heart sick"

Listen to the message from God. His Malak, His Angle. I'm not going to listen to the voice of the devil anymore. I'm going to go into God's presence and listen to Him.

Realize our physical needs.
Eat, rest.

The greatest and best of Christians when are physically weak are more prone to an attack of spiritual depression more than any other time. - Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones

Christianity is not about becoming a ghost. Where there's no flesh and blood.

Hospitable: to meet the physical needs of others.

He still knew where to run to. The mountain of God. Sometimes we run to the wrong things: Internet, alcohol, porn

"what are you doing here?" - God

Elijah pours out his heart to God.

God responds in supernatural ways.
Winds, earthquakes, fire...

Elijah knew all this from history.

But the Lord was not in all those.
He was in a low wisper

In the sound of silence

God reveals Himself in His own ways. Not how we expect Him.

Sometimes we look for God in the big loud things that we often miss Him in the small still quite things of the humble heart.

Stimulation has replaced connection

V14 still some self centrednes and pride. Misguided of his own self importance. Self pity. Self absorbed.

How does God break it?

V15 anoint the enemy king, the Israel king and elisha

The victory will come to pass not in your hands but in others.

Not through a miracle, but a bland polical change in power. God is sovereign, in the events of the nation... Not just God of the miraculous, but the mundane. Not just of the big things but also the ordinary.

You are not alone, there are 7000 more.

In every generation, there's always a community whom are quietly faithful to the things of God.

Learn to get past ourselves

God its not about me anymore.
Forget ourselves.
My hope is in You,
And You're gonna work your ways in me,
And Your process.

Key: there is One that has never forgotten us, whom has loved us, died for us, saved us...

Turn our eyes upon Jesus.

God I don't understand the pain and confusion.

But God I'm going to trust You.

That You know what You're doing.

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