Monday, April 20, 2015

oppose what needs to be, not otherwise

This would make for a good inter-religious dialog topic.
Being a malaysian, i dont wish to take on an side that would seem to make anyone look worst than they are nor any better than they should be taught off. I'm all against segregation for one. Living in Sabah, it is truely amazing how integrated and peace multiple faiths and believes can exist harmoniously together. A true model for what i hope my entire country to practice.

Some would say in this:
1. The people protesting, are in the wrong because they are not being tolerant to others and are advocating disunity.
2. The people displaying signs in public are inconsiderate as the people living around the area in that land feel disrespected/challenged.
3. Some dont even bother whats happening and just go on with their lives, now knowing the implications of showing a blind eye to these issues may have on the future.
4. Others, say forget all this and get out of the country.

everyone has their own personal opinion. made based on multiple reasons and they way they were brought up. so it is understandable that making the choice sometimes isn't really a choice as people are brought up in circumstances that 'force' one's thinking towards a particular point of view.

As for me, what is my view.. based on the point of love, which i was brought up in. It is this "we should love one another" and that means listening when someone decides to share their opinion, in any way that is shown.

I always wondered why people would oppose things that are foreign to them? i can imagine if some big black citadel of occult practices was being established in my friendly neighborhood. One that practices satanism, hate, violence and lewd acts. That i would surely (maybe not boldly) oppose. But if it was a community loving building that did social work, helped run recycling events, gotong-royongs, spread a gospel of love, peace and joy to those around.. giving hope for a life eternal in this darkening world. That i would defiantly (maybe not with all my heart) support .Think about it, has what been taught you acceptable make other's actions contrary to yours, unacceptable?

know the reason you opposed things. Don't blindly follow a leader, not the masses.

if i was brought up learning that the NAzi symbol linked to massacre of Jews. whenever i see the swastika... my heart dislikes it.

if i was brought up a young german boy thinking my race is the mightiest and my leader is awesome.. i would see others as infidels.

if i knew both sides, then only i could make a choice. attacking me without teaching me only will make me hate you more.

i already hate, because that is the absence of love.

oppose what needs to be opposed, not what sounds trendy to do.

fight against miseducation. it is what causes misunderstandings.

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