Saturday, May 31, 2014

My soul shall sing, How i love You.

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses,
just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul"

owh what a morbid horrifying line written by Oscar Wilde
made to be spoken by one of his characters Lord Henry,
in the book The Picture of Dorian Gray which so happens to be the book
that would be read for the study-week break.

i absolutely love how he writes his novel and especially his short stories
they always have a deep sense of moral value and abstract thinking to them,

he puts expressions i have or atleast think i have felt into such good words
that even i myself couldn't have come up with a better way to say it.

about this particular quotation,
it speaks immensely to me about the soul my God has given to my body.
sometimes, most of the time, it is in hurt, or worst still... not feeling.
the sense of void-ness, emptied out of emotions to feel either joy or empathy
is a worst of feeling than feeling something.

and when i feel like i dont have a soul,
that's where the tangible touch is so longed for

the auratic tinge that makes the hair on my skin stand,
the tugging of heart-strings and fibers or emotions
located somewhere not in the mass or nerves up in the head,
but around the heart, in the heart, encapsulating the soul

the presence that gives me assurance once again
that He is there right beside me, that He is real.

Lord, i've been dulled by the world,
the masses of information (that's so ridiculous)
is subtly over-sensitizing what's sacred.

Awaken me.
with not what i know, but what i feel.

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