Saturday, May 31, 2014

My soul shall sing, How i love You.

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses,
just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul"

owh what a morbid horrifying line written by Oscar Wilde
made to be spoken by one of his characters Lord Henry,
in the book The Picture of Dorian Gray which so happens to be the book
that would be read for the study-week break.

i absolutely love how he writes his novel and especially his short stories
they always have a deep sense of moral value and abstract thinking to them,

he puts expressions i have or atleast think i have felt into such good words
that even i myself couldn't have come up with a better way to say it.

about this particular quotation,
it speaks immensely to me about the soul my God has given to my body.
sometimes, most of the time, it is in hurt, or worst still... not feeling.
the sense of void-ness, emptied out of emotions to feel either joy or empathy
is a worst of feeling than feeling something.

and when i feel like i dont have a soul,
that's where the tangible touch is so longed for

the auratic tinge that makes the hair on my skin stand,
the tugging of heart-strings and fibers or emotions
located somewhere not in the mass or nerves up in the head,
but around the heart, in the heart, encapsulating the soul

the presence that gives me assurance once again
that He is there right beside me, that He is real.

Lord, i've been dulled by the world,
the masses of information (that's so ridiculous)
is subtly over-sensitizing what's sacred.

Awaken me.
with not what i know, but what i feel.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

the Solid Rock, My Firm Foundation

God is unchanging, forever the same, consistent,
the only absolute i am absolute about.

and thats precisely why He is the only person i'll trust to be my firm foundation.
a Firm Foundation, Solid Rock. Matthew 7:24-27

something to build the house of Life upon,
that when the waves come crashing down, torrents of storms blowing past,
it will stand firm.

be a wise builder.

"the wise man build his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock~" goes the ol' sunday school rhyme. little did i know how much it'll mean to me when i'm close to a 20 year old... young adult?

like wont be a breeze forever. the hard times will come, you need the rain to pour, to know if your roof works fine. and when the walls stand against the storm... there'll you'll know what happiness is..

like how a scout is happy when his tent doesn't leak.

and how do you know the blueprints are?
the Word. read it to be sure.

it is what will teach ya how to build Life upon a Rock.

2 Tim 2:22 reads "Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

and if this is the manual's instructions from the Master Builder. then it i shall follow, with all my heart.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

travel for the sake of traveling. for what it is not what people tell you it is.

travel. is highly misunderstood by people nowadays.
not to be judgmental or anything but, how many people actually travel for the sake of travelling nowadays?

St. Augustine the hippo said "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

i like to travel,
but do i travel just to take photos of my experiences and show it off to others.. as part of the facebook social media conditioning, or can i travel just for the sake of the beautiful landscapes and people i'll meet along the way. valuing the journey in terms or memories and moments.

well.. it seems to be harder to do that nowadays.

i just came back from a ASEAN conferance that was conveniently held in our Dewan Kuliahs..
so.. as an SPTA student, we got free admission, and so happen my course's Ketua Program, Dr. Colin, opened it to whoever was interested, including the first years =D wohoo.. (while the other courses were only open.. well.. forced upon the final year students)

and... wow.. the participants and speakers who attended it, were... foreigners..
there was so many opportunities to mingle and learn, but... the first day i ... was a coward
i sat in my small circle of common friends, that i'd see and will be able to see the rest of the days here...

and i didn't take the golden opportunities presented. i regret
the second day, didn't want to repeat the same mistake...

it was hard, to start, to initiate,
but it was worth it.

coming back to the point, travel. why does physical exhaustion, being 'tired' and 'drained' put a sour face for the trip, and then when a camera comes out, as if it had some magical powers, the face randomly lighten and brightens up. so that it could snap a photo, acted out, fake. that shows how 'happy' one is on the trip.

"happiness, is knowing what is of value in the face of suffering."

when online media puts up an 'idea' that travelling is probably the 'cool' thing that you can do,
like "owh look, this kid's so cool cause he went here and there and so on and so forth"
and one tries to imitate that.. "i'm going to travel too so i look like what the bottle shapes me to be"

i follow the mold of the things of the earth, the trends.
when travel is really all about, breaking out.

travel isn't about reaching a destination,
not about standing at a point and saying "been there, done that"
but about the whole journey along the way,
the people one meets going through it.

travel to escape. but first, find out what your running away from.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

best men's friend

nawww );
well, man has to adhere to authorities of the land
as much as sheep have to obey the rules set in their pen,
least one wants to be free shall he jump over the fence,
or if true to it, change the laws inside with a pen

Thursday, May 22, 2014


soo.. i tried opensourcemaps =D
the picture looked like this before i added as a crowdsource

WOHOO! .. yeah! added to the map of the world bro!!!! xD

gonna label this with "adrenaline rush" .... cause.... i felt really good drawing that squiggle =D

a new skill

okay so.. other than trying to pick up the guitar..

gotta learn how to:
use, GPS, OpenMapSource, QGIS..... together... gahhh
any tutors?

btw this is where i am now =)


and.... garmine venture cX

sigh =l know nuts about this

re-calibrate life

things to do:
1) Re calibrate life.

so basically, above all the assignments, outings, events, appointments,
lazing in the room, wasting time browsing manga, stopped playing games,
internet for the social network, reading books, planning

sigh, i've not been planing, or following the initial plan.
"fail to plan, and plan to fail" looks like what's headed up for me soon.

it's so wasy to just drift pass in life, day to day
without achieving anything substantial. i feel like its a waste, a big waste.
university life. here in University.. MS, there's just too much junk, too much rubbish politics.

they merged our schools, to make us faculties, less deans, bigger organizations.
i thought that good mangement would always work towards granting autonomy to smaller bodies,
breaking off and fission-ing for more efficiency.

anyways, whatever, i guess i'll just have to work around the stupidity of external uncontrollable factors.
 least i become one with stupidness. adding to this entity a of a giant messy rubbish blob.

was just taking some time in the library to brows the magazines.
boy do they have really good stuff published. i wonder how many people actually do read this.

i wonder when institutes of higher learning would become places for those hungry for knowledge to gather at,
instead of a preliminary, forced obligation to go through just before the next phase of life, working the blue/white collar from 9-5.

was speaking with my lecturer about his son going through standard 1 here. his mother was horrified that her grandchild was going though examinations. haha. in the west, it seems like schools got it right that they were meant to cultivate a nurture the natural desire of a child to be inquisitive and hungry for knowledge.

nope, definitely not what you get here in the local schools. we kill creativity, dreams and anything that is out of the marking scheme. we scare the lights outta this poor souls to have a blimy negative view on what education is for the rest of their lives. traumatizing them with the words "FAIL" that is the opposite of whatever we're expected to achieve . in .. exams....

mmhm kinda reminds me of the word "HELL" ... dont think that fail=hell anyways. or maybe.. i does.. to some sense.

anyways what i'm trying to get at is that: malaysia has got it wrong, wrong, wrong... all wrong since thhe roots. all wrong since the 'early childhood education' phase. all wrong in schools and .. all wrong here in university.

we're forced to go for lectures. wt..hell... like seriously. treating us like small kids. all the rules and regulations and crap. super conservative. no room for expansion of the mind or any sort that matters. =l ... well okay maybe not that bad la. after all, i did call this upon myself to come to sabah.

sigh, what am i doing here????? funding should be no problem, i should go look for scholarships.. yeah.. i guess that's what i'll do.. i'll run. no run away, but run to things that are better. that are greener then where i am currently.

one day i'll look back at this post and say: hey.. that's a crazy ambition.
and i'll know if it was achieved or not.

owh well..... God... where are all the bumi's i'm supposed to be mixing with.

Friday, May 16, 2014

pride kills, humility heals. started the log of life with GPS.

every single time i think i'm winning,
thats when i fall. why i fall.

pride... "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." - St. Agustine

good guy.. so was St. Francis of and Reinhold Niebuhr .. gosh i wish i had more time to read up more. there as so many great hidden treasures in the writtings of this ancient men of old.

" [The value and dignity of the individual] is threatened whenever it is assumed that individual desires, hopes and ideals can be fitted with frictionless harmony into the collective purposes of man. The individual is not discrete. He cannot find his fulfillment outside of the community; but he also cannot find fulfillment completely within society. In so far as he finds fulfillment within society he must abate his individual ambitions. He must 'die to self' if he would truly live. In so far as he finds fulfillment beyond every historical community he lives his life in painful tension with even the best community, sometimes achieving standards of conduct which defy the standards of the community with a resolute "we must obey God rather than man." - R. Niebuhr

die to self.. haiz... not again.. how many times would i need to die to finally be dead.
sometimes it feels crazy to carry the cross daily, its as if.. i'm not doing it by even talking about it

its like.. what form of humility is there in saying "i'm trying to be humble"
where there should just be actions and no words? not so.

BTW on a side note, i just watched desolation of smug, gosh, brings a whole new meaning of 'Quest" to me. it sometimes feels so tempting to be lost in a fantasy world, with elves and dwarfs. but nope, gotta get back to reality, there is a much greater Forge on this earth, a much Wiser King than and old elf.

and.. i'm just trying to learn how to use a Garmin eTrex Venture Cx with base camp. sooo hard. newbie to the GPS world, but i believe it was one of the "skills" that he wanted me to acquire during my time here in sabah, he has always been mentioning it. along with GIS and ..err.. cycling =P

good website

Saturday, May 10, 2014

2 Kings 2 Part 2

so if there's one thing i learn is,
read verses in context,
read it to the end, dont just stop at something one likes
so here it is, the second part of 2 Kings 5

go ahead take it
lie about it

as if the Spirit isn't with you.
why forfeit the riches of heaven for a few pennies on earth

why take Naaman’s leprosy upon yourself?
as if God has not already given you more that you can ask for or deserve

the devil will always tempt you to forfeit God's good will for your life
just like how he did to Jesus

what would your response be?

Friday, May 09, 2014

2 Kings 5:18 Peace

after naaman was miraculously cured from leprosy.

"Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. So please accept a gift from your servant.”

The prophet answered, “As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing.” And even though Naaman urged him, he refused." 2 Kings 5

Elijah didn't accept a material gift.. how in the world does someone turn down silver and gold?????
God, when you know him, money doesnt matter. seriously... how in the ... flying monkey...
is this how integrity supposed to have spawned from, that man doesn't need anything on earth except God?

no.. that is wrong. the things on this earth was created BY God, FOR the use of us humans.
it is only WRONG when that taking that material is by unholy means.
bribe, corruption, gaining favor, out of fear, obligation, hidden intentions.

not just giving gifts that are physically pleasing to the eye, but also immaterial hopes.
do not GIVE words and emotions out of the wrong heart!

how would we ever know if what our heart wants to say is in line with what God wants us to do or not?
because of the Holy Spirit in us, you will feel PEACE inside, feel assurance that doesn't come from yourself, like it seems someone else it providing it. you'll feel safe, and with nothing to hide. nothing to fear, but willingly give all glory to God for whatever happens next.

and the best part i like from 2 kings 5,
is this in verse 19

"But may the Lord forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the temple of Rimmon to bow down and he is leaning on my arm and I have to bow there also—when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord forgive your servant for this.”

“Go in peace,” Elisha said."

Dont burn the bridges. I'd rather you follow what God wants than what man thinks you should do. especially when it comes to the general view that going to temples is a bad thing. like it is not standing up for my faith. like i'm betraying Christianity or something. HELLO, i still believe in Jesus with all my heart! it's not like i'm renouncing Him, its not like i'm crumbling under pressure to 'follow the trend'. heck, i think you need more guts to go to a place you feel uncomfortable than to stay in a place that you feel safe, the comfort zone.

as a kid, you are protected as a kid,
you can be excused if you dont want to go face the lions,
but one day... you'll have to be thrown into the lions den.
one day, you'll have to stand your ground, when everyone else is bowing down to Baal,
you'll get thrown into the furnace, what man thinks and views is suffering, pain, the worst death.

but in the midst of the flames, there you'll see Christ,
there you'll know what divine covering is.

there you'll have... peace.

Monday, May 05, 2014

What matters, was given meaning at creation.

Nothing else matters
in the light of all the Christ has done

not riches, not fame, not academic results, not property,
not relationships, not personal goals, not a selfish life.

but in Christ all these that has lost its heavenly meaning to the world's point of view
have been given a fresh start again to what they originally were meant to b at creation.

Adam and Eve had the whole garden of Eden,
acres of forest and fruits, this was wealth.
They walked and talked with God side by side,
this was the only 'fame' they needed to be recognized by,
a relationship and being known by God.
They gave names and knew each animal and plant as God's creation,
talk about the first botanist and zoologist
They had the best purpose in life,
to live in God's abundance and enjoy basking in the glory of His mere presence.

It wasn't a life lived for themselves only,
it was a life lived being in communion with God,
a life shared with Him.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

the Object

religion is a relationship, not an object.
Jesus is alive not dead.
He rose from death.

Jesus is not an object.
I can talk to Jesus
and Jesus talks to me.

that is how i know that my God is real.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

the Falsehood

gee.. so it is possible to be a believer and not right with God?
i always scramble to find the Helmet of Salvation in the pile of rubble when i think of this.
it's as if sometimes, most times i'm not wearing the full Armor on.

why Lord, is it that when we are 'saved' we still have the possibility to fall away? to be idle.. to be destructive. i've read this a billion times. NOT everyone who claims to do the good works in God's name knows God... as if if we tired to work and reach God it will never ever make sense in God's economy. it is always grace, salvation, faith first that starts in our heart, because of God's calling that the good works should come out.

but God... Lord... what does it mean to talk to You?

2 Timothy 3
"treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses"

yeah always struggling with the issue of girls with needs. its life, that a (wo)man would want to rely on a source other than herself to lean on. to support her.. like a tiang. something that she can find her identity in, her security, someone she can bring her issues and problems too. not only the negative but also the postive, she needs to find something .. err i meant someone to love, to care for to cherish and enjoy happy moments with. someone she can spend time and laughter and purpose. after all it goes back to the great grandmother of all humankind, eve. Eve was made from Adam's rib. if adam wasn't there first, and eve was just created.. she would have been lost. sorta.. gosh i hope i dont get blasted by feminist.

but what i'm trying to say is that, thats how nature rolls. nowadays, woman want to be independent, strong willed, not needing to rely on men .. especially in terms on finances. in case the guy has an affair, dies or leaves the house for some reason. she cant find enough trust in a guy.

no problem in that, i could never find enough trust in a person on earth to give my life too. none of us can and ever will be able to. not even to our spouses. the only person we can trust that will never ever fail us is Jesus. He is the only one we can find an assured identity in that is never changing with the wind and waves of the world. He is the one that can provide security, more secure than any home we could build here on earth. because His home is a heavenly one. yet we are still in this world.

basically, girls are looking for something. and sometimes look for it in guys. just to be wrong. over and over again.

guys are finding for something. a sometimes search for it in girls. just to be wrong. over and over again.

i dont want to be repeating this mistake over and over again.

Matthew 7:15
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

prophet. a word so imbued in the church yet so rarely spoken. always be open to make friends and trust peoplebut also know how to take care of the things that matter to you and safeguard them so that you dont get hurt.

the wolfs. the ARE out there. i just hope that they REALIZE that the are one. it would totally be sad if i thought i was a sheep this whole time just to find out at the end of the day i was a wolf that Jesus was speaking about. i mean... if a wolf starts to wear a sheep camouflage from young. eveyday he'll look in the mirror and think that he is a sheep... growing up to be a bigger sheep. they are in the Flasehood not the Brotherhood of believers

if a chirstian is born into a family.. wait no... if a boy is born into a family of christians, he might just be going to church out of tradition. he might just be doing 'God's work' out of indoctrination. heck he might wear a kabadi, roll on the floor, pray five times a day and do a holy pilgrimage all for the sake of making all the more sure that he is not a wolf but a sheep!

are we sheep or are we wolfs. only the Shepard can distinguish. and He WILL keep His beloved sheep safe from the wolves. i havent even started to talk about the goats.

2 Thessalonians 3:6
"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us."

yup you read that right. straight into your face. there are believers who are idle. i can believe in Jesus, but have no part in God's work what so ever. what is the teaching that YOU received? was it to be prosporus and succesful and rich and drive big expensive cars and live in condo's with maximum securities and be the CEO of a billion dollar company...

then good for you if you stick to what you've been thought by MAN. by a priest or reverend ordained by wahtever instituted. (gosh do not blaspheme, never speak against the work of the Spirit, for He can be grieved and it is unforgivable ... rite?)

CHECK back with what you have been thought  BY GOD.. in his WORD... heck.. do you even read GOd's Word???? or do you just rely on the sunday sermon??? yeah i know sermons are GOd inspired and all... but we can always take and choose to listen and hear only the nice things..

how about if you read God's word and it says. "Go sell everything you have and come follow me" EVERYTHING.... or thinks like.... "the birds of the air have nest and foxes holes, but the Son of Man has NO PLACE to rest His head" ... yeah.. sure.. come to my condo and sleep la..

its not as simple as that, it goes much further... give your heart to Jesus, and all this will be made clear. dont take things out of context like what man can do, like what i can do. read the Word for yourself... its not man who corrects, rebukes and trians you in righteouness... we dont use the Word of God to fix things, rebuke or correct people..... read His Word yourself, and God himself will rebuke you.

and you will learn.

so much better than if a human on earth were to try to use quote lines from a book to help you improve in life.

Matthew 7:22
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

now go... do your Quiet Time. and rest assure, you are called by God my dear soul.

random stff after coming back

the forest caught fire due to the long drought season,
the next morning it was 'snowing' ashes..
my sony micro vault click DIED! it just got really hot and started going crazy... sigh.. there goes 40 bucks.. worst thing is that i bought it at a PC fair! so i dont really know where the shop is to go back to and ask for warranty, if it even has one.

Lesson learnt: but tech from a shop, with warranty, and know that there are tonnnes of imitation crap out there from china =l
my phone's transcend memory card also went crazy =( it just.. lost it its mind and became greek letters. wasnt the problem with the mem card though, googled it online and found out it was a general problem with blackberry's torch 9810. cant wait to get an andriod phone = )

and i swapped the acer travelmate with my sis for her aspire v3-471G cause it has a graphics card.. but!... the the bluetooth is so problematic!

wohoo.. so bro got married on the 26th april 2014.
when i came back to sabah, he passed me.. well.. i asked him to for some stuff,
like new elixir stings, a tuner
also brought back a gps from wei aun, and...  a joystick =l i dont think i even have time to play games. sigh

there was a safety campaign going on in UMS, they were selling Bolle safety glasses, just in time since my old one broke. these are RM 18 and RM 20 respectively.. they are practically .. indestructible =D like seriously, then can bend like crazy with out breaking. sadly they are not Polaroid.