Saturday, February 01, 2014

I've finally found the reason for living... again?

without experience theology is as good as any man made idea.
relationships and feelings matter for they create that which is immaterial

there is a meaning to existence, a purpose for it
everything has a beginning and an ending just like the stars.
all things seen shall soon pass

we constantly evolve, yes
but there is One who has a much bigger picture than any of us
One who knows no beginning or end
One who created the heavens and the universe
in all it's vastness and mysteries.

And we humans know Him as what we call God.
who has revealed Himself throughout history

not wishing to be distant and apart from us
God took on a form that would pave a way for us
He took on a human form
leaving the throne and majesty in heaven
He became the only thing that could redeem us
to sacrifice and save humans for sin's wages

God took on a human form.
and some of us know Him as Christ,
Logos, Trinity, the only existence that makes sense

and finally the ultimatum,
Christ took on the cross
and paid the price for sin
so that humanity need no longer be eternally separated from a Holy God
so that we have been given a chance to partake in His divine nature.

this is the reason for living

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