but as i was reading it, the thing that kept on reoccurring in my mind was: "i wonder if anyone is going to love the unlovable". i mean, sometimes people do mean stuff, mean enough that the 'victims' feel violated, breech of privacy, blablabla.. enough to consider taking the 'offender' to court to press charges and sue him.
but dont you think that when something bad happens to you it is a good thing?
okay that sounded really ironic and contradictory... but think about this:
when something bad happens to you, it is a chance for you to forgive.
when obstacles come your way, that is when your character is tested.
this is how what is inside us comes out, and we can see it to evaluate it
emotions dont just randomly pop out without any cause
if you find that the feeling generated by your natural instinct is ... unwise
then dont get comfortable with it, face your flesh's desires and put it to death
not all that we feel is good is good. i know God created us to be who we are with the individual personalities custom made so that we are just the one and only in all the world (no but seriously some people are soooooo similar! in characteristics... that fit body shapes! < weirdest coincidence; the face too)
then there's probably a billion other people who've posted articles about "mistakes are a stepping stone to success" and blablabla.... keep God's POV when reading any article on the internet, facts can be fiction, but there is always one Source that has the Truth to set us free..
Free.... our will is not free... whoever said (including christians) that we have "free will" .. i strongly disagree.. our will as long as it is not given to the right Master, has its wrist shackled in chains to sin. "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money/wealth/mammon" - Matt 6:24. neither can a man have no master at all, least he says that he is the master of his own-self, he is disillusioned.
i do how ever believe we have the freedom to choose. so choose who you serve. an eternal Kingdom or a fleeting dream
=D Paul Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement
"it is a good thing when a bad thing happens"
-cause if you response in some low level baloney, than be glad that the crap happened to you so that you can be taught a lesson... to become a better person...
wow, that was a really mean way to end things... gosh... hope i'm not changing into some 'self-righteous' egoistic @#$%H@%3
haha, dear God, let your grace and mercies be new every morning, that my cup will not run dry but be filled each day to be poured out into the lives of others.... that You be glorified =P .... haha amen
Jesus loves you!
yeah, people do mean things lots of times..
two guys kicked our snowman's head off :( i was kinda upset at them. grr. but it's okaylah. people are mean for no reason at times, and it's a chance to show grace.
oO woah... so pro you manage to control yourself in such a situation... i would have went over and kick their heads off =P that is if they still haven't drowned in the melted ice from me fuming with rage....
haha.. joking la, i also not so mean wan =) true true.. all bad tings have a good side to it, the shadow proves the sun shines
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