Tuesday, April 09, 2013

this prayer i pray with all my... heart?

dilemma - to watch a free movie premier with special company and have a good satisfying time. or to travel far to a hot hall and observe a game of badminton between tiny kids.

well wasn't a very fair statement now was that?

- to gratify the desires of personal selfish happiness or to sacrifice a fleshly pleasure to get a chance to minister the most important everlasting message into children's lives whom have yet to know Him.

... jeez ... i guess praying "Lord, i want to grow closer to You" doesn't get answered in a one time gift, but instead a chance to choose in a situation.

situation presented.. to be (heavenly minded ) or not to be....

...sigh... eternity in mind?

phillip yancy: "one does not gain life by acquiring more, but instead by giving it away, and in the process finding it."

true? no? relative? ... lets find out

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